Chapter 21

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"Bruce! We need the Justice League!"

"Lois what's going on? Where is Clark?"

"He's outside about to fight with Jon..."

"WHAT!? What happen?" the sound of someone franticly typing on a keyboard and emergencies alarms could be heard, but Lois was so scared for her family that she didn't even noticed.

"We were having an argument with Jon and ... I don't know how bout Clark said, he was able to release his full potential and he's scared he won't be able to stop him."

"Can Clark stop him?"

"NO HE'S TOO POWERFUL! Clark can't do it alone, that's why he asked me to call you, even if Connor was here, the two of them couldn't do it... Please Bruce, save my baby..." she was sobbing, she was scared and useless in those kind of situation.

"Breath Lois. We're on our way with the Titans and the League, we would find a solution and help Jon. We will call you when we get near with the BatWing," he ended the call to turn to multiple screens in front of him in the BatCave, the Teen Titans and the whole Justice League, minus Clark, Jon and Connor, were present and ready for the mission.

"Listen everyone. We are needed in Metropolis, to help Superman."

"Did Luthor created a new villain?" asked Flash.

"No..." Batman took the time to take a breather. Jon was part of his family and in youngest son's best friend. Also his best friend's son. Going against one of his kids was the hardest thing he had to do, when Jason came back the first time he was Red Hood.

"We are not fighting a villain today," the silence was heavier by the second. "We are fighting Superboy," the reaction took a couple of seconds to come. Some were yelling, some were scared, but they all wanted to know why. He was their friend and the son of one of the three founders and leaders of the Justice League, what happened? What was going on?

"What are you talking about father?" asked Robin, his expression not changing, but his family could hear the fear in his voice.

"Lois just called me, because Clark was about to engage combat against Jon. During an argument this morning, Jon released his full potential and now he's too powerful for Superman to take down alone. We will all be meeting at the Kent's house. First thing we need to make sure all neighbours are evacuated, Titans you're on that. I need Flash and Zattanna to find Lois, I believe she is still in the house," he turned to his own team.

"I don't care for the property damaged, but if we can the BatFam, will be on animal duty, Robin you will lead this one. JL we will join Superman and try to stop Jon, we don't want to injure him too much. We want him safe, not dead," each team nodded to let him know they understood.

"Great now let's go! Oracle will send you all the coordinates of the farm," the video chat ended and Batman joined the rest of his team in the BatWing and they left. The tension was high during the whole flight, which only lasted fifteen minutes.

* * *

It's been twenty minutes and Clark was already on his knees trying to get closer to his son. But each blast was more powerful than the last and even with his powers, Superman couldn't fight back. It was almost like when he fought against someone who had Kryptonite, but he wasn't useless this time, but he felt like it. He was not able to get close enough to stop Jon, he could only protect himself and the house, where he knew Lois was.

He heard for afar the sound of the BatWing, WonderWoman and the two jets. Clark sighed relieved, his team was coming and he wouldn't be alone. Since he wasn't paying attention, he got punch in the sternum violently, making him go fly in the forest, braking a couple of trees at the same time. The superhero was out of breathe and couldn't move, of the first time of life he was bleeding and it wasn't because of the Kryptonite.

"Need help?" he looked up to see his friend, WonderWoman hand out to help him up. He took it without hesitation and once on his feet, she hugged him. "Don't worry, we get him back," her voice was soft and reassuring, he sigh and nodded before they started to fly their way back to the farm, now looking more like a battlefield.

* * *

Batman's plan was working pretty well, the civilians were safe, Lois included, the animals were put in a barn across town, with the help of the a few neighbors and now they only had to stop Jon from arming people and himself. The plan went well until the last part came to play.

Stopping Jon was not as simple as they taught and after an hour, they only had half of the team, still alive. Damian took a minute to look at his surroundings and before looking back at his best friend, no, not his best friend, Jon would have never done something like that, he loved life and people too much to destroy any of it. But seeing the destruction around him, for over a mile and not being able to understand what to do, he had a broken arm, he had been punch in the stomach so hard he was sure he had internal injuries and the could bring himself to breathe properly. Nightwing was dead right next to him from a blow to the head, Flash had been cut in half by one of the laser beam, Green Lantern had been frozen and then shattered in pieces and all the others sitting or lying on the ground, some too far for him to know if they were dead or alive.

Jon was still fighting against Superman, WonderWoman, Batman, BeastBoy and Red Hood. When he saw his last brother being punched and flying through a line of trees and no getting up, he tried to get back to the fight, but was unable to. The next one to try to stop his best friend was his father and he couldn't let the last standing member of his family die in front of him, so he did the only thing he could think of at the time. With his uninjured left hand, he press on the devise in his ear to establish communication.

"Oracle, I'm gonna need you to find someone for me..."

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