Chapter 17

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For the third month in a row, Jon didn't show up to the meeting at the JL. The other heroes started to asked questions and Superman could only tell them the truth: He had no idea where his son was. Batman knew Jon's behavior was out of the ordinary lately and from the look on his friend's face he was concerned. He asked Red Robin to try and track the young Kent and see where he was.

Starting with America, there was nothing. He extended his research to Canada and South America, still nothing. Everybody watched Red Robin track down Superboy with no success. Robin suddenly remembered putting a tracker on his best friend suit, so he gave his brother the information to activate the search. It didn't take a minute to have a history of the boy's movements, Red was shocked to see that each time they lost all signal was when the boy had reach Europe, more precisely around France.

Even if he was the best hacker of the League, he was unable to get anything from the Paris area, which was really weird. The only thing he was able to get was some social Medias and a blog, called the Ladyblog, he opened both of them.

At this point, the silent was heavy in the League's headquarter. In front of them all, Red Robin put the pictures, which went back two months prior, on the full screen: Superboy flying with another superhero, called Ladybug, around Paris. They also had some videos from fans while they both took time with some kids in a park. The last one was a darker picture of the two heroes making out on the top of the Eiffel Tower, the reactions were really different. Most of the teens were happy for their friends, others understood why the boy was not with them tonight, and for the adults it was divided: Batman was concerned with the attention the two were getting and by the fact that they didn't know anything about this 'Ladybug'. Flash and Green Lantern laughed at the fact that the two got cut and probably didn't even knew it at this point and Superman was really mad at his son. Mostly because he kept things from him and flew across the ocean without notifying Lois or himself.

On the other hand, Wonder Woman and Aquaman looked at the pictures and to each other a little concern. Batman could see it in their eyes, but decided to wait for the kids to leave before asking questions. It was clear to him that his friend was not in a good mood.

Once the meeting was over, the leaders sat down around the table to discuss the new found information. Batman turned to Wonder Woman and Aquaman who both seems to know more than what they said earlier.

"Wonder Woman, Aquaman, what do you know about this 'Ladybug'?"

They looked at each other before deciding to give as minimum information, about what they knew, mostly in fear of the consequences, if anything happened afterword's that could lead to the wraps of the Guardian. The woman decided to start with what she knew.

"My mother, Queen Hippolyta, is a former Ladybug." The other members didn't know what to think about it. A former Ladybug? What is going on? Taught Batman.

"If we are right, this Ladybug is the holder of the Ladybug Miraculous, which makes her one of the more powerful person on earth, if not this galaxy. To make it short, this girl, when transform, becomes the Goddess of Creation. When I was young, my mother was be able to heal, repair and create anything during and after a fight. But that also meant bringing back to life the people who died during the confrontation. Believe me when I tell you it's amazing to see this power in action."

"The Ladybug Miraculous is one of the two most powerful miraculous. The other one is the Black Cat Miraculous who holds the power of Destruction, with it they can destroy anything they touch, and everything turns to ashes. If put together, both of them in wrong hands, they can bright the world to an end in a mere second." After looking at the suspicious and terrified glazes he was receiving, he decided to give them the best example he knew.

"For example, we in Atlantis respect and we are definitely scared of Plagg, the God of Destruction. He is what caused the sinking of Atlantis in the bottom of the ocean and if I believe the legends he also caused the destruction and disappearance of the dinosaurs, all because he was in a bad mood that day."

Batman looked at them with a frown. He had multiple questions for his colleague, but before he could open his mouth Wonder Woman cut him.

"We can't answer any of your questions. The Guardian will have to be the one to do so, he's the one to take care of the Miraculous and he makes the rules. Believe me, you don't want to know what will happened to us if we give too much information without his permission."

"Okay, than I just want to know if this girl is dangerous or not, it's my son with her." Both heroes gave Superman a warm smile and Aquaman took it upon himself to reassure his friend.

"If what I know about the former Ladybug holders applies with this young woman, than we have nothing to fear, except if we do wrong. Her job is to protect the universe we live in. And from what I've seen today, I'm really happy for your boy, they seems to love each other very much." With that he got up and smile at the man of steel before leaving the League's headquarter.

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