Chapter 4

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Even if Superboy only knew her has Ladybug, she loved it because she was able to be herself at all times with him. She didn't think about being a superhero or the Guardian when they were talking. Her parents didn't say anything about the fact that she was laughing or talking alone in her room or that she was always on her phone. They kept their distance and observed has they realise that their little was growing up and was now a young woman. One night during the diner Marinette's phone rang and Sabine saw the sparkles and the stars in her daughter's eyes. The girl excused herself and went to her room. Her mother instincts knew at that moment, that even if her baby girl hadn't realised it yet, she was in love and whoever this man was he made her happy.

For Tom, the story was a little bit different, he saw it like a threat. A young man was taking his little princess from him and he had to protect her. At this point Sabine had to stop him and make him calm down. That night both parents left their daughter talking on the phone without a word. But when she came to tell Marinette they were getting ready to sleep, Sabine realised that Marinette was talking in English. She did not remember knowing anybody around the girl's age that spoke English enough to have full conversation, probably every day from what she could understand, with Marinette. Who was she talking to? Perhaps a British acquaintance.

* * *

Every night at patrol Ladybug seemed to be distracted, always looking at her BugPhone and someone was texting her constantly. Chat Noir didn't know what to think of it, he himself couldn't have his Lady's personal phone number or wasn't able to contact her outside the suit. Who was this person who could? Why not him?

"So M'Lady... I was thinking about the patrol on Saturday night, I have a party so could we do the patrol earlier?"

"Oh! Its fine Chaton, I'll do it at the usual time, I have nothing to do on Saturday!" Ladybug had the biggest smile he's ever seen on her. Was she happy about the fact that he wouldn't be there this week-end? If so it was hard to take. To think that she didn't want to see him at all left a bittersweet taste in his mouth. He gave her a sad smile, but she was to absorb by the conversation she was having on her BugPhone with that mysterious person to see it. He left with a small two fingers salute and went home, questioning his purpose and he place he held in his Lady's daily life, her team and her mission.

"Am I still her friend? Does she need me anymore? Did I do something wrong?" before Adrien could continue expressing all the question he could think of, Plagg stopped him by whining.

"Adrien give me cheeeessseeee! I'm hungry kid!"

"Come on Plagg, you know where it is!"

"I know kid, but it was the best to shut you up." The kwami flew directly into the mini fridge where his holder stored his precious camembert.

Adrien didn't say anything, he went to change and get ready for bed. His partner's behavior concerned him, she was always the one to bring him back into focus, but lately she seemed to be anywhere but in Paris. On the other hand, he rarely saw her this happy in the last four years, she always smiled, but after all this time and all those hours fighting and training with her, he was able to read her like a book. The smile she gave the victims, the Medias and even the temporary heroes was a façade. Her smile used to light up a room, it still did but not like before. Her eyes sad and tired, knowing the role of Guardian of the Miraculous was a big one, and after learning the responsibilities she now has from Plagg, he took has Chat Noir most of the patrols, took care of the interview and public appearances when possible and if he didn't have to de-transform, he would be the one making sure the victims were okay and in good hands. He didn't know what he could do to help more.

But Ladybug was not the only one of his friend who had a change of behavior, especially in the last month or so. Marinette, the shy and sweet Marinette was now more like the sassy, beautiful and quiet Marinette. Adrien was happy to see one of his friend being able to bloom over the years, they were now able to have proper conversation and she had stopped stuttering around him.

During the last couple of months, she was less present when they did activities or hang outs with their friends. She was really busy or had too much work to do. But what concerned him the most was the fact that she never ate around them and she was always tired and one day he heard Alya tell Alix and Chloe that she couldn't sleep without having nightmares and she would rather not sleep than seeing whatever was haunting her. He also learn from Nino that sometimes she could go for three to four days without sleeping, at this rate she will get sick rapidly. With the boys, Nino, Kim, Nathaniel, Marc, Max and Ivan, they decided to keep a close eyes on her to make sure she didn't pass out or get herself injured in anyway.

Still thinking Adrien didn't noticed he had falling asleep, the next thing he knew his alarm went off. He sigh Another Day! 

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