Chapter 26

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It took two days for Marinette and Zatanna to be able to heal Emilie and another week for her to wake up. Adrien was so emotional that this partner had to force him to the bakery to make sure he would get some sleep and food, at least a little. She had already notify her parents of the situation, so when Adrien's bodyguard dropped them off Tom and Sabine didn't let him alone and made sure he always had food and drinks beside him, which made the young woman laugh at their antics.

Aside from Robin and Red Hood, who had been put on Emilie's security, the heroes all went back to their life. Jon on the other hand was staying with the Dupain-Cheng, with his girlfriend, Clark covering for him at school and the two Parisians being excused because of the situation, which was still unknown to all.

As soon as his mother woke up Adrien spent the rest of the second week at her side, he didn't say it, but Marinette knew he was afraid she would disappear again. She made sure all the Magical and physical damages were gone, before they talked to her about HawkMoth and Gabriel. To no one surprise, she was in shock and livid at her husband, so much that an hour later, with the help of the bats, she was filling for divorce. When she was granted the divorce, by the end of the next day, she decided to call her twin sister Amelie.

After hours of crying, talking and crying again, the two sisters decided that Emilie would be moving to London, in the Graham de Vanily Manor, with Amelie and Felix. For Adrien, it was decided he would be joining them in three weeks, so he could finish his last year of lycee in Paris, before moving with them and going to the University of London during the fall semester. The boy was happy with the decision his mother made, leaving the City of Love would be a good thing for the both of them. Until them, he would be living with Marinette and her parents.

* * *

With only one last week of school, the teens were really excited to finally graduate. In Miss Bustier's class, most of her student will be going to different University in Paris and its surrounding. Chloe had decided to go to New York to be with her mother and be able to work for her, while studying. Sabrina and Rose where leaving for Amsterdam to do their degree. Juleka and Nino decided to get internship right away in the fashion and music industry. Kim was going to Université de Paris on a swimming scholarship and Alix wanted to everyone's surprise, study in the same feel than her father and brother. Max was leaving to Oxford to study technology sciences.

Nathaniel was taking a year off to work with Marc on their comics and the world tour they had planned after the release in the fall. Ivan on his hand had found a job in a woodshop and will be working, while Mylene was accepted in an acting and cinema school. Alya had got herself an internship with Nadja Chamack part-time and will be taking journalism class at the same time.

Lila was talking about all the Universities she had been accepted to, but sadly had decided to go back to Italy. But when she was told by the board of directors that she would be getting her diploma, because she hadn't been present in class for half of the past four school years and that she didn't have any work of exams completed for the same years. The news came to a shock to everyone, even Marinette and Adrien, bringing her castle of lies to the ground in less than ten minutes. The last time they saw her, she was being taken out of class by the school security, surrounded by the board of directors, her mother and M. Damocles, the Akuma class learned at that moment she would have to redo her last two years of lycee in an adult facility.

Adrien was going to the University of London to study Fashion, with a minor on science. The last one, the class representative, Marinette had been accepted in all the fashion programs she had applied to: New York, Gotham, Paris, Milan, Shanghai, Dubai, Washington and Hong Kong, but she was waiting for a last one, the one she really wanted to go. Jon and Adrien would be going to the same school and she wanted to join them.

Miss Bustier came in class looking fondly at her students, they had been a bigger part of her life in the past years that she thought. They were not only her students anymore, they were young adults that she hoped she could have has close acquaintances in the future.

She smiled looking at the letter in her hands, knowing that her student would be happy to learn that she was not forgotten or rejected from her top choice school. A week prior, the teacher had gotten a call from the University of London saying they had tried to contact Marinette or her parents on multiple occasions and the letters they had sent always came back to them. Hearing that Caline had asked if they could send the letter to the school, so she could give it to the girl herself and finally this morning she had found the letter on her desk.

She cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. They didn't have any exams for the day, so she decided to start the class with the good news.

"Class, before we start the revision, for your last exam tomorrow, I received a letter for one of you today and I have told to make sure my student opened it in front of everyone," by the questioning looks on their faces was all she needed to continue. She stepped in front of her desk with the letter in her hands.

"Marinette, the letter is for you," her student slowly got up, not sure of why she would receive a letter at school. She took the letter and opened it in front of everyone, cleared her voice to start reading.

"Miss Dupain-Cheng,

It is with great pleasure that you have been accepted to the University of London, in the Fashion Designing & Business program, hiiiiiiiii!!!"

The young designer didn't even finished to read that Adrien was lifting her in a hug and spinning around happily screaming. The cheering in the class was really loud, but Miss Bustier didn't mind at all, she was just happy to see her students enjoying a joyful moment before finalizing the preparation of their last exam.

"Oh my Kwamis! I have to call Jon, I have to tell him!" Marinette was ecstatic, she took her phone out and called her boyfriend, not even thinking about the time difference, which meant that it was 2:45 am in Metropolis. It should be a surprise to her that the voice that answered was a sleepy and confused one.

"Her Starlight! What is going on? Are you all right?" ask Jon, concerned something had happened.

"Sunshine! I got in! I got in! I just received my letter, I'm going with you! Oh, nous aurons besoin d'un apartment avec two bedrooms and we could make one of them an office or a sewing space for me... Oh, je sais! We have to make sure we have a beautiful balcony, so we could got out a bit et je pourrais y mettre mes plantes..." she was talking so fast, he couldn't pick up everything she was saying, mostly because he was still coming out of the dream world and half of her sentences were in French, she was mixing both languages and is brain couldn't translate so early in the morning.

"Ok, Mari, please. I don't understand a word your saying and you realize it's not even 3am here!?"

"Oh Kwami! I'm so sorry Jon! I was so excited I didn't think about it..." her voice was weirdly fading at the other end of the call. Jon was about to ask if she was okay, once again, but he was stopped by another voice.

"Hey Jon! It's Adrien! You know how Mari is and right now she's a mess. So she only called to let her know that she just received her acceptance letter from London! It's AWESOME! We're going to be all together!" he winced at the loud voice of the cat boy.

"Sorry Sunshine, I was really excited and I had to tell you! I'll let you go back to sleep and call me after school ok?" knowing her boyfriend's ears were sensitive she went back to a volume he would be able to appreciate.

"I'm really happy for you, Starlight! I love you!"

"I love Jon! Talk to you later!" they ended their call and he went back to bed, even more excited to finish his last week of exam.

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