Chapter 24

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After meeting the Kent and Wayne for the first time, Marinette and Adrien were in constant communication with Tim and Oracle to try to identify HawkMoth. They didn't have a lot of information, but with the help of the detectives they hoped were getting closer slowly. They had put up surveillance cameras, trackers and other equipment the Parisian heroes had never heard of.

Instead of their regular patrols, the two heroes started to do more investigations and analyzing battlefields and hot spot in the city. At some point, Tim suggested that Gabriel Agreste be put back on the suspects list, not noticing the grimace on Chat Noir's face when his father was mentioned by the Bats. Ladybug, knowing who he was, understood his hesitation, but after a few days, she decided to take the time to talk with her partner and see what could be done.

"Chat, I know you don't it to be, but you saw the reports and the evidences and most of them pointes to your father... What I'm trying to say is that it's better to investigated deeper into it and come back with the surety than he is innocent, rather than let him continue hurting people," she took his hands and he looked at her. She could see the pain in his eyes and how much he was trying to convince himself that the man he called 'father' was innocent , but she knew him better. Adrien had the same feel she had and it wasn't a good one.

After talking with the Oracle, Red Robin and Batman, they decided to bug Gabriel's office as well as his and Nathalie's bedrooms. Red Robin was also able, with the inside help to hack into the two adults cellphone to record conversations and keep track of the texts messages, mostly between each other. It took only three weeks, for the investigation to be over and the results were ready to be share. The Parisian heroes were than invited to the Justice League Headquarter to meet with the rest of the team and find a plan of action for the final battle.

* * *

Pacing in her bedroom, Marinette was trying to calm herself down, before Adrien's arrival. Her anxiety level was through the roof, meeting with the Justice League was a big deal, even if she already had met Batman and Superman it was an honor has a fellow hero and she couldn't wait for her best friend to arrive to give him the good news.

The kwamis were looking at her in silence, even Tikki, who had tried multiple times in the last few hours to calm her down had on abandoned the idea of a success. Their Guardian would stop her panic attack when she'll get to the JL Headquarter, not before. They knew that as soon as she will get transform her Ladybug confidence would come back and all the stress of the current situation forgotten.

A couple of minutes later, she heard small taps on her balcony window, Marinette jumped and bolted to open it for her partner. Chat Noir was serious, it was not every day that she would ask him to transform in the middle of the night, so he knew the situation was of important matter. One thing for sure he wasn't expecting his night to start by teleporting to space.

* * *

The tension was high in the conference room, all the heroes waiting for the Parisian duo to arrive. They still didn't have a lot of information on the situation in Paris, as per Ladybug's demand. She didn't want to have to deal with other super powered individuals if they were to get akumatize, during their visit to Paris. Tonight they added multiple chairs, because both the Teen Titans and Young Justice wanted to join and meet Ladybug, it was really an exciting night.

At 6 pm, Gotham hour, precisely a blue portal appeared in a corner of the room. All heroes getting ready to fight the new comers, not knowing how someone could teleport to the Headquarter without setting off the alarm system. Green Arrow lifted his bow, but Batman stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder. At that moment they were all shock to see the cat and ladybug superheroes coming out of the portal, arguing about some homework?

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