Chapter 18

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The two lovers were cuddling at the top of the Eiffel Tower, talking about their week so far, until his phone started to ring, they tried to ignore it, but after five minutes or calls and notifications he picked it up and when he saw his best friend's number he answered.

"Hey Damian! What's up?"

"What's up? Really, that's what you're going for right now?" the tone Damian was using at the moment was angrier than usual, but he couldn't say why.

"What is going on Damian? What do you want?"

"You can't be serious right now!? We haven't had a full conversation in the last three months, you didn't come to the last Justice League reunions either." At this point Jon put the call on speaker so Marinette could hear it. "And now I assume you're in Paris, making out with your superhero girlfriend while your parents have been looking for you for the last two hours, because you never came to dinner and YOU asked me what is going on?"

"How do you know I'm in Paris D? I never told anyone I was coming here." Marinette quickly went through her phone, who was full of notifications, all of them being from the girls asking where she was and the others from pictures of Ladybug and Superboy on patrol and the last one from Alya and pictures of them making out on the Eiffel Tower. Her eyes widened has she showed the pictures to Jon who chocked on air.

"Mon Dieu! Jon what are we going to do?" asked Marinette without thinking.

"Oh. So I assume you guys just saw the pictures. Now Kent just so you know your dad is probably on his way to get you back to Metropolis and from what I saw at the League when the pictures came out, he was not happy at all. My father and Wonder Woman had to keep him from destroying half of the base."

Jon winced and without a word hung up the phone. He got up and excused himself and said his good byes to Marinette. Kissing her one last time, before flying away as fast as he could. They will talk later anyways.

On his way back home, he tried to plan how to sneak by to his room without his parents knowing. To avoid his mom would be easier that his dad, they both had the same powers, so he would be able to hear him flying in a mile before he even got to the house.

He was listening, trying to find heart beats, while he flew over the barn, but he could only hear his mother's. He sigh in relief, his dad was not home yet, so he silently landed on the roof top of the house near his bedroom window and slowly made his way into bed. He put on his pyjamas' pants and texted Marinette that he landed safely home.

Less than a minute later a flash of light made him jump in a fighting stand. He only heard a soft giggle and relaxed.

"What are you doing here Starlight?" he asked his girlfriend in a whisper.

"I had another nightmare and thought I could spend the night with you. You know how awful they are these days and I was stressed about the pictures." She answered as low as she could, he was sure a human wouldn't have been able to hear it. He didn't say anything more and brought her in a tight hug and they dropped in his bed and after a couple a kisses they fell asleep, in each other's arms.

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