Chapter 2

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During the next few weeks, Jon avoided his parents, mostly his father. He didn't go the weekly meetings with both the Justice League or with the kids of the members of the League. The only person he would talk to was Damian, and again it was not must. To the point where his best friend was concern about his behavior. At school, he didn't have his usual sunshine energy and smile, his teachers even, after a short meeting all together, to send him to the nurse and call his parents.

Lois Lane, the world renowned journalist, who knew her son better than anyone, had observed him really closely since he came back that night and she too was concern. So when the principal from Gotham Academy called, she left in the middle of her interview and when strait to the school. She was met by Jon's tutor and the principal and directed to a conference room, where most of his teachers, the nurse and another person, who looked like a doctor of some sort.

When he presented himself, being Dr. Stewart, she was on the edge of a panic attack. Seeing the distress in her eyes, he specified rapidly that he was a psychologist, specialized with teenagers and high school therapy. With those words Lois took a deep breath and sat down knowing this conversation would be very long, but it would also be the best for her son. He was not himself and she knew it, but she didn't know what to do to help, maybe those people could.

"Mrs. Lane, considering you are a great investigator and journalist, you must have observed some changes in Jonathan's behavior in the last weeks, just like we did." She didn't say anything, she nodded so the principal could continue. "We are very concern for him, to be honest and so are his friends. This the first time I've seeing Damian Wayne, come to me and asked for help, can you imagine!?" letting out a low chuckle and Lois' eyes widened. It was indeed an odd action for the Wayne boy, even if he was Jon's best friend.

The History teacher cleared her voice : " I also noticed that the few times I saw Jon smile in the last week he was on his phone and seemed to be texting or talking with someone. Do you have any idea who it might be Mrs. Lane?"

"Honestly, I have no idea" started Lois. "He's been acting the same way at home. He barely talks to us or his brother, he doesn't eat with us and didn't went to any of his after school activities. I'm really concerned as well."

"Did something happen at home or at school, right before it started?" Now Dr. Stewart had many questions and it was the time to get some answers, if they wanted to help the young Kent.

"Well I wasn't home, but I remember my husband telling me they got into an argument on a Friday night, before it all started. Jon left to walk on our property for several hours. I didn't saw him until noon the next day." The mother was trying to recall any events during the past two or three weeks at home and at the Daily Planet, where Jon did some work every week.

"And do you know what the argument was about?"

"I think it was about Clark being too protective. Jon will be eighteen next month, he wants to live his life and I know sometimes my husband can be a little much to handle. But it never was an issue before..."

"Mrs. Lane, I believe your son needs to talk with someone and perhaps this friend he's talking to on his phone probably knows why he's acting this way. But even if we could find out who they are and what Jon is telling them, I do not recommend it. You need to let him have his privacy, especially right now." The psychologist put down his pen and look Lois strait in the eyes.

"I want you to find him a psychologist, therapist, any professional so Jonathan can see them at least once a week, for the next two months, he can continue after if he wants, I just need to start by making sure your son is okay and is not a danger for himself or for the others. Also, if there is a problem, I don't want it to become worst. If you have access to a professional, I could asked a colleague to come and meet him. You understand that I want to stay impartial to help everyone, including the school faculty and your family, and to find solutions to help at my best Jonathan."

"My husband knows someone, I think it's Dr. Leslie Thompkins if I'm not mistaking. We trust her, I will asked my husband to contact her and let you know what we'll do. Will those appointments be during or after school hours?" she texted Clark right away.

The principal assured her they could excused Jonathan during school for them and even have an office for Dr. Thompkins. They tried all together to find some solutions to help the man, until she gets a feedback from Clark, which came really rapidly. 

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