Chapter 13

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Saturday morning Jon woke up so exited he decided to go for a run to make sure we wouldn't bake anything in the house. Around ten, he told his mom he was going out for the rest of the day and wouldn't before late that night. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and left through the front door, after a minute she saw him flying away.

Lois, being a journalist and a mother, saw the little details some wouldn't have notice with her son that morning. When he kissed her goodbye she smelled the cologne he usually wears at events like the Wayne Gala or school dances. He had put a little bit a gel in his hair to make sure it would stay put and he was wearing a dress shirt.

Thinking about it made her giggled. Which was not missed by her husband who was just entering the kitchen.

"What is going Lois?" asked Clark not understanding why she was laughing while looking outside.

"Oh Honey! I think our little boy has a date today." She was smiling so proudly seeing that her baby was becoming a handsome young man and she was happy she had the opportunity to see him all dress up before he left.

"What? How do you know?"

"He dressed up, gelled his hair and put his expensive cologne. He wants to impress someone and he also told me we shouldn't wait for him tonight." Looking back at her husband she gave him a soft kiss.

"He was acting like you were when we had dates at the beginning." The chuckled that came from him remembering all the things he did to try to impress Lois when they were young, some of them completely insane.

"Well I hope it goes well and that he does have the same ideas I had back them, because most of them were pathetic." Laughing at the memories they got ready to go see the animal in the barn.

* * *

Jon got to Paris as soon as he could, so he would be able to get some flowers for his date. He had already reserved a table at a small restaurant to be sure he would have a place. The young man really did everything to make sure the evening would be perfect. He loved her and he would make sure she knew it. He chose a small Italian & French restaurant, making sure he would have a couple of options, not really sure want Marinette would want.

He arrived in Paris around 16h30 and went straight to the flower shop, knowing she would prefer a small bouquet of various flowers he bought one with multiple colors. He was glad Mari taught him some French and that he decided to take an online class. Next semester he will be taking French instead of Spanish, luckily for him the principal had accepted the switch last minute, even if she and her parents spoke English, he wanted to be able to learn it, to be able to connect to Paris for her.

At 17h00 exactly, he was standing in from of his girlfriend's house stressed and unable to knock. Not even a minute later, a small Chinese lady opened the door with a big smile.

"Bonjour! Comment puis-je vous aider? ˮ

"Hi, bonjour, I'm Jon! I'm here to pick up Marinette... Sorry, I'm still learning French"

"Of course, Jon, Mari is almost ready, please come upstairs with me, to the living room." They both made their way to the apartment on the second floor. As soon as they passed the door, Sabine called out her daughter, to let her know her boyfriend was there. They heard a faint 'Coming!' before the trap door opened to reveal the young woman in a small pink dress with white pock dots and knee high boots, her hair were put in a high bun to which she added a clip with three flowers, all in different shade of pink. Jon was in awe when he saw her, he couldn't move until he heard a deep laughter behind him. Turning around, he was now face to face with Marinette's father, a really impressive man with his height and stature, but Jon was as tall as him if not a little taller, he was expecting anything but a bone crushing hug. Thank god my Kryptonian blood, he thought.

"Hi, you must be Jon. Marinette talks about you all the time" said Tom while releasing the boy. The crimson blush on his daughter's cheek, made him smirk and Sabine was giggling, Jon on the other hand decided to tease his girlfriend a little.

"All the time?"

"Ugh. Wipe that smirk, right now. We have to go. Bye Maman, Papa." She pull on his hand to leave the apartment as soon as possible, she didn't let go of him until they were in the park across the street. When she stopped to look at Jon, they were alone in the park, she got closer and put her arms around his neck and he pull her closer taking her by the waist, they leaned into each other until their lips met. Jon leaned them so her back was against a large tree a few feet from them, this way he was able to kiss her with more passion without one of them falling.

They got to the restaurant and sat at the table they were appointed, it was a small French bistro, with a lot of choices on their menu. After placing the order, the couple talked about their day and what they had planned for the rest of the week. It quickly came to what they wanted to do with University coming in a couple of months, one thing was clear: they wanted to be close, at least on the same continent, but HawkMoth was still a problem and if Jon didn't have to be in a specific place to be Superboy, Marinette didn't have that choice.

Her first task in live was to take care of the Miraculous and with the butterfly and peacock still missing in Paris, she had to finish the war or stay close enough so she could come back for each akuma. It was exhausting and they both knew it, so for now the only logical option would be for Jon to apply for Université de Paris in journalism and take some French classes, but they still had time before the applications would start so they decided to concentrate on finding HawkMoth and defeat him, so they could be free.

The dinner was nice and peaceful, LadyLuck was on their side for the night. They talked all evening, before leaving the restaurant for a walk that lead them to the Seine. The young couple sat and Marinette put her head on her boyfriend's shoulder looking at the moon reflecting on the water. She was happy and in love, she didn't even feel half of the emotions she had with Jon, when she was in love with Adrien, if love it was. Jon kept her close to him, he too was happy to be with his girlfriend not thinking about the League, school or his parents.

Around 22h00, Jon dropped Marinette home. They didn't want the evening to end, but he had to go back to Metropolis and she had commissions to make and patrol with Chat Noir. With a last goodnight kiss, he flew away looking at her lovingly.

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