Chapter 11

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Marinette was nervous, it was Friday morning and she was meeting Dr. Thompkins with Jon after lunch. They had decide for her to teleport to the therapist's office at 12:15 (Paris time) and they will be doing the meeting as civilians. That last part was what stresses Mari the most, she never talk to anyone, other than Jon and Master Fu, about being Ladybug. Sure if Superman and Batman had enough trust in her she should be fine, but after silent for four years, it was not the simplest thing, that's why the Kwamis will be coming with her. She was bringing the Miracle Box in a simple cloth bag but only wear Tikki and Kaalki.

Sitting at the back of the class, she was unable to focus on anything Mlle Bustier was saying. She looked outside the window thinking about Jon. How close they came to be in the last month and how she felt like she was always at the right place when he was next to her. She didn't need to be Ladybug nor Marinette all the time, both personalities were able to live as one and she liked it. She was free to be her real self.

Yes it was probably a little early to say it, but she really loved him and she was hoping their relationship would last a long time, if not for the rest of her life. They will be going on their first official date the next day, as Jon and Marinette, and she didn't know where he would be taking her, it made her a little anxious, because she didn't want it to be interrupted, by anyone, especially by a young journalist who would do anything to had a scoop, even one on her own friends. Not even talking about the fact that the young woman was dating the son of Alya's idols, it would be a nightmare and she already had enough of those to deal with she didn't need another one.

Lost in her thoughts she almost missed the akuma alert. Looking at her phone, she realised her appointment with Dr. Thompkins was in twenty minutes. Sighing she took the time to analyse the situation and get the information needed before heading to the battlefield.

While swinging across Paris towards the Pont des Arts, she stopped a couple of times to help civilians: lost child, injured elderly and one of the akuma's victim. When Ladybug arrived at destination, Chat Noir was nowhere to be found. She tried to call him but the first two times she got no answers. The third time though she got one, but not the one she was hoping for.

"Chat! Where are you? We have an akuma at the Pont des Arts and I need your help!"

"Oh so now you need me? Don't you have a superhero as a boyfriend?"

There was a silence on her side of the line. She looked at her BugPhone stunned by his answer. But before she could say anything he laugh and continue.

"Yeah. That's what I thought. Why don't you call me to help you or maybe his father?"

"Chat what are you talking about? You're my partner and I need your help and your cataclysm. Get your butt here already!" she was furious, how dare he use her relationship with Superboy to not show up at a fight? He was supposes to be a hero and right now he was not acting like one.

She turned her attention back to the akuma, a teenager who got a detention he said not deserving. His friend had made a graffiti in the locker room and to avoid being caught her told the principal it was the akumatized victim, causing him to have a week suspension and an additional month of detention after school. He was now the Punisher putting anyone he thought of being guilty in cages that were becoming smaller every second.

Ladybug dodged all of his attacks before hiding behind a mail box, she took this little moment to study the villain and see where the akuma was. Easy enough if you asked her, it was in the boy's neck tie, which made her come to conclusion that he went to a private school.

The heroine called on her Lucky Charm: a screwdriver, looking to find how she could use it, she easily spots an air trap on the street so she opens her yoyo to get Trixx and unify both Miraculous. She created an illusion so the akuma didn't see her or what she was doing, she then rapidly use the screwdriver to take the trap and leave a hole in the street and surely the Punisher walked right through it. The second he fell she grabbed his neck tie and ripped it off of him releasing the akuma. The familiar routine of purification when smoothly and she was able to call her cure, before reassuring the victim.

She went to detransform and realised she was late. Way to go Marinette she thought. She went straight home and she exchange the Fox Miraculous for the Horse and opened a portal to the coordinates Jon had given her earlier in the day.  

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