Chapter 27

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Sitting in Françoise-Dupont courtyard, with the rest of the graduating students, Adrien was thinking about his last year of high school. One thing for sure, he would never have a normal life: a supervillain father in jail, a dead mother alive, being a superhero and last but not least having a tiny camembert smelling cat-like god in his shirt pocket at all time, since he was 13 years old. He was still impressed thinking that Marinette had to deal with eighteen of them every day, wishing that none of them were like Plagg.

M. Damocles was giving a speech, but the model wasn't listening, tomorrow will be his last day in Paris. Sure Marinette and Jon will join him really soon, but leaving the city he grew up in, the one he protected with his life, was hard. But his mother was right it brought too much pain and now that Gabriel and Nathalie's crimes had been exposed, it will not be easier. At least they had a place to go and aunt Amelie and Felix were family, even if they weren't as close as they used to be, Adrien knew it wouldn't take long before they could find a way to have a relationship.

When his name was called, he didn't even react, it was the small bite that Plagg gave him that got him to stand up, understanding what was happening. He rapidly walk to the small stage that had been installed for the occasion and joined Miss Bustier, Mme Mendeleiv and M. D'Argencourt, who were handing out the diplomas, while the principal was naming each student. Adrien could hear and see the flashes of the cameras, but when he heard the happy cheers of the Dupain-Chengs and his mother, he looked up at them and smiled brightly. The three parents had become close in the last months, even taking Adrien in when his mother was at the hospital, after waking up, Sabine and Tom had insisted that Emilie joined them at the bakery during her recovery. It ended up being until tomorrow.

* * *

The two had packed and sent ahead everything they wanted to keep, at the Graham de Vanily Mansion and but the Agreste one for sell. They were better off without it and all its belongings. To his surprise, the buyer of the Mansion ended up being the Justice League.

Superman, Batman and WonderWoman came to meet them, explaining that the League didn't have a base in Europe and that after some renovation and remodeling, this place could become not only their new base, but also, a place to help the citizens of Paris. They wanted to establish and found the resources to give access to community aids, therapy to all, food banks and so much more.

"We want this place to be a safe haven to all the people who needs it," said WonderWoman with a smile. She was going to be in charge of the base and was hoping to bring more heroes with her. Ladybug was leaving and the Miraculous with her, but she gave the names of the former heroes of the Miracle Team to the woman in front of her: Luka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Cesaire, Nino Lahiffe, Kim Lechien and Alix Kubdel. The young guardian knew they would be happy to help, she only recommended a lot of training, something Chat Noir and she never had.

The two partners knew they were leaving their city in good hands, even if it was hard to move forwards. They had a new life and they were going to cherish every single moments of it, always by each other's side. "Partners for life!" "You and me against the world, M'Lady".

* * *

Adrien couldn't contain himself, because of how excited he was. It would be the first time he would see Marinette in person, since he left Paris. One month without his best friend by his side. Remembering their goodbyes at the Airport Charles-de-Gaulle, when he was crying in her arms and she was trying to calm him down, saying she would call him every day and she and Jon will be visit in a month, while trying to find themselves an apartment close to the campus.

The teenager knew his mother sitting next to him was laughing at him, but he didn't care, he just wanted to see her. He didn't see them, no. He heard her laughing in the distance and started to run, when he spotted her he sprinted and tackled her with a hug. Luckily for them, Jon was expecting it and had put himself behind his girlfriend to be able to stabilize them. Adrien and Marinette were squealing in the airport, not bothering about the others surrounding them. They were in their own bubble talking at the same time, faster than the Kryptonian thought possible for humans, maybe if it wasn't in French he could have understand something, but knowing he was not really good and still working on that language, he simply shook his head and directed them to the exit, where Emilie was waiting for them.

* * *

The chaos didn't stopped until Jon pushed Adrien out of the guest room he and Marinette were sharing during their short stay with the Graham de Vanily family. The boy was exhausted. At least they were only going to start their apartment hunting the next day, tonight though Mari was still going through their list of requirements and which places she had selected from different web site. While she was doing so, Jon decided to take a shower and lay down a little before dinner, he had a good two hours to relax a bit.

They had a nice dinner with the two sisters and their sons, Felix having changed a lot since the last time Marinette had seen him, years ago. He was still acting the same way, but he, at least, seemed more social and talkative and less of the manipulative bastard Marinette had pictured him to be when they were fourteen. Maybe Adrien was at the time, he had just lost his father and needed time to grieve. It was nice for her to see the two cousins get along very well, she knew now that her best friend was not alone and that he was loved.

That night, the young couple didn't sleep much, the excitement led them to talk very late, which also brought the sexual tension in their room to the point they couldn't deny it. They made love to each other for the rest of the night, only falling asleep around 4am, getting themselves a good three hours of sleep. Having Marinette sleeping in his arms was what Jon like the most, after their activities and kissing her. For sure living with her will be the best way to start a new life for the both of them.

The next morning, the three heroes left the Mansion with one of the cars in the garage and started their itinerary. They visited about five apartments, in four hours, before finding the perfect one. It was a cozy apartment on the top floor of a five story building, with a master bedroom and two smaller ones. The kitchen and dining area were not big, just perfect for the young couple, while on the other hand the living room was big, not extremely big, but with the window that did the whole wall from the floor to the ceiling, with a view of the University. They had a balcony big enough to set up a table and some chairs and for Mari to grow her flowers, like in Paris.

Marinette fell in love with the place and Jon didn't need any convincing when she looked at him with the brightest smile he had seen that day. They were really happy when they went back to the Mansion after signing up for the apartment and agreeing on the day they could moving with the owner.

The older lady was really happy to see how excited Mari was when they all shook hands at the end of the exchange, knowing that the young adults were going to be good people to have around the place, especially when they both offer to help if she needed anything, from cleaning to lifting and moving furniture. She had a good feeling about the two and she could that they were not the average teens, she usually saw these days, they almost seemed to be in their late thirties, instead of eighteen. She didn't say anything, knowing she would probably sound crazy, she waves a last goodbye, before they left and she went back to her own apartment smiling, this girl's smile was most definitely contagious. 

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