Chapter 25

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When Chat Noir had calmed down a little, Ladybug unify Tikki and Kaalki and they teleported into her bedroom, with Superboy following them. Calling off their transformations, the two heroes collapsed on Marinette's chair, Adrien putting his head on her laps and she started stroking his hair, trying to sooth him a little bit. The boy didn't cry, but he didn't want to go home, it was hard for him and thinking about going to the mansion, where he could see his father and Nathalie, was terrifying.

Jon sat at Mari's desk after getting some food for the kwamis, knowing where his girlfriend was hiding it. They didn't talk much, just some light conversation between the lovers and the kwamis, before all of them started to dose off.

An hour later, Adrien was asleep and with Plagg they decided that Jon was going to get him home and that they would skip school the next day to have some time to think and start planning for the confrontation. Mari gave a note to Plagg so her friend would be aware of their plans for the morning, when he would wake up.

Once he was back at the bakery, Jon just crawled into bed, next to Marinette and brought her closer to him. She starts by kissing his neck, trailing up until their lips met, letting all the passion she could leak into it, trying to tell him without words how much she loved him. She shifted and straddled his laps and has she started grinding on him, he let out a groan that was rapidly muffled by her mouth, when her tongue met his and the intensity of their intimate exchange changed.

"Jon, make love to me..." moan Marinette in his ear. The young man looked at her eyes to make sure she was okay with it and when he saw the sparkles and all the love in them, he knew he would do anything for her. Going back to lips, he flipped them so he could be on top of her, he would make sure to satisfy her all night. She was so beautiful.

That night they made love to each other, before falling asleep enlaced. Tomorrow they will have to start planning the attack on HawkMoth, but tonight nothing existed to them, aside from the loved one in front of them.

* * *

Not able to sleep, Clark stayed up all night, trying to find the best way to take down HawkMoth. It would not be a walk in the park, but if they all worked together, even if the League was only the backup plan, he will make sure to keep the kids safe and as unharmed as possible. He didn't realised he was stress, until his wife came in the room half asleep, while he was pacing and talking out loud about to give him a coffee.

"With all of you by their side, the kids will be fine, Clark," she simply kissed his cheek and went back to bed, leaving her husband with a small loving smile.

* * *

Sitting on the rooftop across front the Agreste Mansion, Ladybug and Chat Noir were waiting for their backup, going through the battle plan and its backup plans, one last time. The anxiety around the two teens was sparkling and it was easy to see the fear in their eyes. The young Guardian saw her partner's hands shaking uncontrollably and took them in her own. They exchange a look and she smiles at him, hoping that he would understand by it that no matter what will happen in the next few hours, she will always be by his side. They were partners, best friends, siblings even and nothing could come between them.

They had already discussed with Marinette's parents about the Gabriel being HawkMoth and the family had offer to take Adrien in until he moved to London, with his aunt.

They stayed in silence, looking at their beloved city, holding hands, until they heard sounds of people landing on the rooftops around them. Seeing the Supers and Waynes, with WonderWoman and Aquaman, the superhero duo stound up to meet with their allies.

Without any word being exchange, Ladybug took out of her yoyo the snake Miraculous and gave it to Chat Noir, who unified it with his, becoming Snake Noir. She than took out the fox, turtle and mouse Miraculous and put them on, but didn't combined any of them. She let go of her transformation and Marinette call on Mullo, becoming MultiMouse, once she used the 'Multitude' power and three smaller version of herself took her place. She gave two of them the fox and turtle Miraculous and they all unified the powers, becoming MultiBug, MultiFox and MultiTurtle.

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