Chapter 24

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The last week of school was going by super fast, the truth is that I didn't even feel how the days went by, I just realized that from one moment to the next it was already Thursday the 28th, the last day of school. I couldn't believe it, this wasn't the end I expected for this year, I thought the year was going to end and I was going to continue depressed and with all those crazy thoughts that didn't do me any good, but it wasn't like that, and even though I wasn't healthy in that kind of thing, but I felt good. But I didn't have time to think about all this, so I left it for later.

Fabi and I made a lot, like a lot of plans for the summer. Obviously we planned to go to places where our mothers would let us go or/and could take us.

When I got home I didn't expect anything, but when I got there my parents were sitting on the couch waiting for me, to be honest I was scared, the truth is I hadn't done anything wrong but I was scared just the same, I mean you get scared when you see your mom so serious , No? But when I sat on the couch they just hugged me and began to congratulate me for finishing the school year and all that, then Laura came and they did the same.

That night I decided to go out on the roof to sit and watch the sunset, when I sat down I began to think about all this year, the madness the sad ones, above all, and while the sunset went away and they became the night the only thing I I could see it was the stars I told myself "This year was not as bad as it seems, if Kaden ended up being a total idiot, like Joaquin, I met incredible people, like Fabi, Maddi and others. It was a year of goodbyes , but sitting here I realize that these people have these habits, they don't matter anymore, I'm happy, without any of that, and yeah goodbyes are sad, but they helped me to improve, and to be good again, I feel well at last" I stopped talking for a second and I lay on the roof, and I thought "Let's see what next year has in store for me"

Years of goodbyesBy: A.C.NorambuenaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum