Chapter 9

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To begin with I have to admit that Christmas was a lot of fun, so many presents and all of that, but I couldn't wait to get back to school.

I don't want to sound like I don't like being at home or something like that, but at home you could get that feeling of being locked up, but at school I felt free.

I was finally back at school, but while I was saying goodbye to my mom someone jumped on me (and I thought we had already passed that face) I turned around and it was Fabiana

"Hey, I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm OK"

"Good, ready for math?"

"Not really but I'm super happy to be back in school"

"And you are probably even happier because you are going to see Joaquin"

With those words I turned red from one moment to another, and suddenly when I'm calming down I hear "Are you talking about me?" It was Joaquin

"Wh-what n-no"

"Amayita got nervous"

"I'm not nervous, you just scared me"

"Oh, I didn't know I was so ugly" he stopped for a second and suddenly I see that mischievous smile again

"And here I am thinking that you thought I was cute"

I feel my face burning as he walks away

"Amaya, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"Yeah? Well, it looks like you've put on a 100 layers of blush"

"Fabi, you're not helping"

"Ok, sorry, I shall shut up and go to math?"

"Yeah, haha"

"Just one question, please"

"OK, what do you want?"

"How do you hate someone but at the same time you like them?"

"Ahh I don't know, and I never said I hated Joaquin"

"I never said it was Joaquin"

"You know I don't want to talk about this, we better go to class"

"ok lol"

The day was very boring, I mean I did say that I liked school, but not because of the classes, well for some of them but I like it because my parents are not there, so I can do what I want, in a certain way.

Something that I liked about B-days is that I didn't have Spanish, I mean Spanish was one of my favorite classes, but if I didn't have Spanish I didn't see Joaquin, since Spanish was the only class we had together, and if we didn't have other classes together I wouldn't blush because of his jokes and stuff he said. And that was great, since I didn't want to walk around the school looking like a tomato.

It was already the end of the day, well school day, I had to take the bus but before I went to Mr. Leon to ask him some questions. I tried to be as fast as possible but when I left the classroom I could see out the window as my bus was leaving.

I'm in trouble, I'm going to call my mom

"Hello, what are you doing here?"

"Joaquin, hey, how are you?"

"Good, but I asked first"

"Nothing, I just had some questions for Mr. Leon, and I missed my bus so I'm calling my mom"

"Ahh ok, that's bad"


"But at least I can spend more time with you"


"Nothing, hey, it seems like your mom answered you"

"Ahh thanks"

My mom answered me and I told her what happened. She told me to wait at school and she was going to pick me up in about 2 hours.

I have to say that the days after winter break were very good and fun.

Years of goodbyesBy: A.C.NorambuenaWhere stories live. Discover now