Chapter 1

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It was a really cold day, I was actually excited to get home for ones, I was on the phone talking to my friends looking at all of the big bushes and trees, big big and green trees, I was actually so distracted by everything around me that I was not even paying attention to what I was saying to my friend.

When I looked to the side, I notice a car outside my house, not my moms or dads or uncles, it did looked like Javier's car, our family friend he is latino and kind of tall with glasses and has black hair, who wore that type of cloth professors use, I stood there for a little bit but after a while I decided to go inside, I did not want to but I did anyways, when I went inside there was Javier I was right, I was gonna say hi but when my parents saw me they told me to go straight to my room, I was confused but I didn't care so I just left.

They were talking for about an hour or two, I slept for a bit because I was just bored and then read a book, then they called me down. I was nervous because I didn't know what was going on, and everytime Javier would go to my house it would be because of me. When I got down, Javier had left. They sat me down and my mom said, "Hey, we want to know if you would like to go to another school, instead of Mustang middle school?"

I didn't get the question but I did say

"Well I actually really want to go to that school you know, but I don't understand, this is kind of random you know?" They looked at each other and then my mom said

"Well this is the thing, we want you to go to the Black Hawks Middle School?" I was in shock and I steal did not really understand anything, they knew I wanted to go to the Mustang with my friends. I was confused so I said

"ok, fine i guess" and went up the stairs. This is so random, well whatever I thought, the last thing I remember is that I was asleep.

The next morning I woke up I have forgot about everything, till I heard my mom and dad talking about it, I just eat breakfast and went to school, the only thing i can remember about that day was just a normal day of school, but when I got home there they where my parents just sitting there waiting for me, I knew exactly what was about to happen, and it happened just like i thought it will, I can't really remember what they said the only thing I do remember is that at the end of that conversation I ended up at Black Hacks middle school.

The next day I went to school, all I could think about was try and have fun with your friends, I guess you won't see them for a long time if you're going to the hacks middle school. I remember it was January, not much fun but it was nice. I was sitting all alone till my best friend at the time just jumped on top of me. I was about to hit her till I saw it was her.

"Hi banana" that's how I will use to call her just because her real name was Brielle and her hair was blond with a little bit of yellow dye on the tips that made her look like a banana

"Hey Amaya" the conversation started out normal but she said this "ok, don't look now but someone is looking at you" I obviously looked, what else could I do, and there he was, looking at me the guy that I liked Kaden (I remember his hair was purple but it use to be green, like a lime green and i loved it, he was also kind of tall and skinny, but he was a little shorter than me) But right after I looked he look away and so did I, "Theres is something i don't get" I said "I just don't understand why other people say dont look, I mean it's obvious that they are wanna look"

Brielle laughed and said "well that's the idea" I don't know what my friends have against me, but before I could say something two of my other friends just jumped on top of me just like Brielle did, but when they got down I decided to punch softly in the stomach.

"AHH!!" said Ryley "what is wrong with you" while Brielle and Tracy (Both Ryley and Tracy were those tiplical gringa girls but Tracy was a little more bigger) just laughing I said "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you, you wanna end up breaking my back one of these days" we were just staring at each other ready to hit the other person, but the teacher came in so we had to stop.

Years of goodbyesBy: A.C.NorambuenaWhere stories live. Discover now