Chapter 16

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It had already been a few weeks since what happened with Joaquin, the truth is that everything went back to normal, my grades had improved, I no longer thought about him (Well, that's what I will tell everyone-Myself) the truth is that there was only one thing that was a little different, my arms, in those weeks I had to start wearing long sleeves, t-shirts or sweatshirts, but everything had to be long sleeves (Baggy clothes) because thank heaven I didn't have any cuts but I had scratches everywhere, at least on my arms and obviously I couldn't let anyone see them, I did feel like maybe if I did them on my legs but for some reason I did not.

I couldn't be happier since it was already March, but I think it didn't seem like I was happy since I was literally falling asleep and looked kind of depress, well I practically did fell asleep I was having a very strange dream that at the beginning I wanted it to be real, I was in a park with all my family there was my mom, dad, grandmother, uncles and aunts, cousins ​​and my grandfather, I was so happy to see them all, I started to greet them one by one, I greeted each one of my 11 cousins, each one of my 5 uncles and my 4 aunts, it was incredible I was so happy to see them all, but when I went to greet my grandfather he started walking away and I will get closer and he would walk away, and suddenly everything turns black and it was just me and him and from one moment to another he falls and even if I tried to catch him I couldn't and just when I was about to fall I heard a voice saying "Amaya wake up" and then again "Amaya wake up" It was Fabiana's voice "Amaya wake up"

And suddenly I woke up, I looked up and see Fabi's face, and I say

"Hey Fabi, how are you?"

"Fine, but you look like a ghost, you just fell asleep in class girl"

"Ahh well, sorry I'm a bit sleepy hahaha"

"Yeah I can see it"

"Haha, well what are we doing?"

"We need to talk about nomophobia for 2 minutes"

"On the computer?"

"Not between us and later on the computer"

"ohh well, you start"

After that class ended I went to science class and the truth is that nothing happened. It was really boring and I fell asleep again, when the bell rang I got up and was about to leave but Mr.Caal stopped me and said "Hey Amaya, are you okay?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Well these days you have been acting very different, I mean there are good things, like your grades, but it also looks like you don't sleep much, and you are not as happy as you use to be"

"I don't know what you're talking about I-" at that moment before I could keep talking I saw Joaquin and Savanna walk outside the classroom. I keep telling everyone that it didn't bother me and I didn't care about Joaquin, but it was obviously a lie.

I don't know if Joaquin saw me or not but suddenly they stopped right in front of the class and Joaquin gave Savanna a kiss, well Savanna gave Joaquin a kiss, but it's the same thing, the thing is that they kiss.

And at that moment my heart was pounding, I wanted to cry, I started remembering everything that happened between me and Joaquin, every little memory, and then I felt how tears were gathering in my eyes.

Oh no, I can't let him see me cry, I can't let anyone see me cry, stop Amaya don't you dare let one tear out, control yourself, don't let him see how weak you are, he already saw enough that time.

"Mr. Caal I'm totally fine, but I have to go"

"Yes of course, see you"

I was so happy that there was another door on the other side of the classroom, so I went out that way so I wouldn't run into Joaquin. But again my luck is one of the worst ones in the hole universe, because when I opened the door, And since I have really like really bad luck, I bumped into someone and fell, and when I looked up it was Joaquin

Why am I so freaking unlucky? I thought,

I try not to focus on Joaquin and try to be able to get up and go but thanks to my luck I hear someone say "Amaya, are you okay?" I look up and there is Joaquin helping me with my things "Yes, I'm fine, thank you" I said in a cold voice, cold as ice as I took my book from Joaquin's hands. "Now if you allow me, I need to go" at that moment I hear Savanna say "Come on baby, leave her, it's okay, right Amaya?"

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine" I said but I stopped for a second "Porque no solo te vas con tu chica no necesito que te sigas preocupando por mi... bueno si alguna vez te preocupes de mi" (Why don't you just go with your girl, I don't need you to keep worrying about me... well if you ever did cared about me)

"Amayita, yo siempre-" (Amayita, I alway-)

"Que NO me llames asi, literal ni trates de hacerlo, y no trates de preocuparte, o actuar preocupado" (DON'T call me that, literally, don't even try to do it, and stop acting like you care)

"Baby what are you guys saying?"

"Nothing savanna, it doesn't matter"

"Ok? Well, shall we go?"

"Yes let's go"

I stood there for a minute or two, to make sure they didn't come back, and then again I felt a tear fall. I was crying and the truth is that I didn't know why, but it didn matter, I dried my tears and started walking to the bus, but for some reason I decided to turn around and when I did there was Joaquin walking towards me, so I just went down stairs so that I could lose him, but he keep following me, until I got into my bus, he stop right outside the bus, and stood there until the bus left.

Years of goodbyesBy: A.C.NorambuenaWhere stories live. Discover now