Chapter 22

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Ok I have my dress, mom did my hair, what else do I need, right shoes, where the heck are my shoes


"Yeah darling?"

"Have you seen my shoes?"

"Yes, I have them"

"Oh, ok thanks"



"Can you come up here for a sec?"

"Sure mom"

While I was walking up stairs I thought that maybe I did not have to go, I could stay home, but no, my mom would not let me.

"Ok mom, I'm here, what do you need?"

"I need to do your makeup"

"Mom I don't need makeup"

"Yeah you do, its wanna be a natural makeup, so don't worry"

I thought about it for a second, and then I decided to let my mom do my makeup, and she was right, it was a really natural makeup, and I liked it.

"Ok Amaya this is a important day, so I need pictures"

"Ughh, fine"

I think she took like 10 different pictures, which was not that many so I was surprised.

After the pictures all the family got in the car, so that all of them will drop me off. While we were on our way there I was nervous, it was my first real real dance, I mean at least for me the 6th grade dance did not count, so yeah.

When we finally got to the school I got out of the car, said bye to everyone (Mom, Dad, Sister) and went inside.

When I went in I saw Daniel and his girlfriends sunny

"Wow Amaya, you look great" said Daniel "Yeah girl you look awesome, you are beautiful" Said Sunny right after Daniel

"Thank you guys, you are really nice, well I got to go meet my friends so see you"

"See you," Said Daniel and Sunny.

I started to walk to the gym since there was the dance. When the truth came in I was surprised. When I thought of a dance in a gym I did not think of something very big or fancy, I thought of something normal. But when I went in it was obviously not incredible but it was more than I imagined.

On the ceiling they had decorations like ribbons, they had hired a DJ, who wasn't ugly either, he was actually cute, but I'm sure he was already in his final year of high school. There was only one thing that really disappointed me about the dance, the food, the only thing they had was sweets and chips, and to drink water and juice, but besides that it was incredible.

The moment I entered I could see Fabi

"Hi girl, how are you?"

"I'm fine" Fabi told me with a surprised face "But look at you, you look beautiful"

I sighed and said "Thank you, but remember that you also look amazing"

"Thanks, well let's go here are the girls" Fabi said as she grabbed me and the group of friends walked like this, where Maddi, Lila and Julie were, they are those typical gringo girls, although Maddi was the most fashionable and her hair was not blonde but chestnut, Lila was taller than all of them and rocker type, and the horse was an ash/normal blonde. Finally Julie, she was shorter than all of us, her style was that baggy cloth type, and her hair was that typical blond gringo and very, very long.

"Hello, how are you girls?" "Amaya, hello you look beautiful"

"Thank you Maddi, you are very kind"

We all greeted each other and said "You're so pretty" to each other, then we started dancing or talking about silly things. We were having fun, but obviously tired.

We danced all the songs that had been put on (although since the gringos dance jumping, it wasn't much)

The truth is that everything was super lively and fun until the DJ put on a slow song.

"Oh no, the DJ played a slow song" I said with a disappointed face

"Yes, that's bad, and no one has anyone to dance with" Said Maddi

"And if we dance with each other?" Lila said with an I have an idea face

I sighed and said "You guys dance, I don't want to"

"Ok Amaya" They all said at the same time as I walked down the hall to get a drink of water.

Just before entering I hear someone scream and I turn around and it was Joaquin and Savanna who came out of the gym fighting

"I'm your girlfriend, shouldn't you do that kind of thing for me?" Savanna said very angry, Joaquin just stayed quiet and looked to the side, where I'm pretty sure he saw me, so I started walking towards the gym so as not to look like a gossipy girl or something.

When I entered the dance I forgot about Joaquin and I went with my friends. The rest of the dance was super fun, only Joaquin and Savanna ruined everything since they were fighting.

When the end of the dance came, only Fabi and I were left, and the truth is that a few minutes later there was only me standing outside the school waiting for my parents, when they finally arrived I got in the car and before I could close the door a boy arrived another typical gringo and he tells me

"Hello, I just wanted to tell you that you look very pretty"

I smiled slightly and said "Thank you, you are very kind"

The boy left and my dad started driving, and halfway through my mom said "Hey he liked you"

"Mom really?"

"Your mom is right, but you have to be careful with that," my dad said in a low voice.


"Because you're really pretty and-"

"Yes, dad, thank you very much for telling me" I said before I could let my dad finish.

"Let me finish" He said in an even lower voice.

I sighed and said "I'm sorry, continue"

"Well as I was saying, you're very pretty and you have to be careful with boys, you don't know if they make bets or things like that, so please take care of yourself"

"Yes dad, thanks"

Arriving home we sat on the couch and talked about the dance, then we watched a movie and went to bed. But just before I could sleep I felt my phone buzzing, it was a call from Joaquin so I hung up, but he called him back. I knew he wasn't going to give up so I answered "What do you want?" I said in a sharp voice

"Wow, you're so cold, Amayita" said Joaquin, bothering

"I said what do you want?"

"I just want to talk, hey and by the way you looked very pretty today"

"Ok what do you want to talk about?"

"Wow ok, I just wanted to talk about you and me"

I sighed annoyed and said "Did Savanna break up with you?"

"No, well yes but that doesn't matter"

I was upset and you didn't want to talk to him but I said this "You know I'm super tired, and I don't want to talk to you by-"

"Please Amayita"

So that's how it feels dad "Could you let me finish?"

"Oh yes I'm sorry"

"Fine thanks, I don't want to talk to you BUT tomorrow we can talk at school and you'll only have 6:30, ok?"

"A-ah yeah, yeah of course"

"Alright now good night" I said and cut him off immediately so I could go to sleep.

Before sleeping I thought about how I treated him and I thought it was wrong, and then I remembered what he said to me and I didn't care how I treated him, the truth is I thought I should have treated him even worse. I actually felt good, for the first time I didn't care about Joaquin, or anything that happened to him. I was happy and without any regrets, and for that very reason that night I was able to sleep peacefully and happily.

Years of goodbyesBy: A.C.NorambuenaWhere stories live. Discover now