Chapter 7

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The next few weeks at school were a lot of fun, especially in Spanish. Although Joaquin did not stop bothering me, but he was kind of funny.

Now it wasn't the same at home. Well my parents and I were fine as well as my sister, but Kaden... he didn't speak to me or Leoni, and Brielle was on vacation in another state so I couldn't ask her for advice.

One Tuesday I got bored of Kaden ignoring me, so I decided to go to his house. When I got there I rang the bell and no one came out so I rang it again but no one came out again. But I knew there was someone there, and I knew that someone was Kaden since he was looking out the window.

Since talking to Kaden didn't work I decided to go talk to Leoni, so I went to her house, rang the bell and a few seconds later someone opened the door, it was Leoni, she looked surprised,she said "Hello, Amaya, how are you?"

"Good, and you?"

"Good, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I wanted to ask you if you know anything about Kaden?"

"Uhh I don't know if you should know"

"Know what?"

"Well, the other day we were all at school and..."


"You can't tell anyone that I told you, ok?"

"Fine, but tell me"

"The thing is that all the girls and I were there" Leoni stopped for a moment to take a breath and continued "And we saw Kaden flirting with a girl"


"Look, the thing is that we weren't going to tell you since it was only one day, but"


"But now they are the most famous couple in school, everyone thinks you and Kaden broke up, like months ago"

"OK thank you"

"Amaya, please don't do anything stupid"

"Don't worry, I won't"

I didn't really do anything stupid, I just went to Kaden's house and started ringing the bell, obviously in a civilized way but I ring it until someone open the door. I think it was like 2 minutes before Kaden had the courage to open the door.

"Amaya, hello, what brings you here?"

"Oh nothing I just wanted to ask you something"

"Uhhh of course what do you need"

"Well, I wanted to know why a little bird told me that there is this very popular couple at your school, and that couple IS YOU WITH ANOTHER GIRL??!"

"Amaya, don't worry, I can explain it"

"Ok, hurry up, explain"

"Well ummm, I don't know, there's no way to explain it, I cheated on you and I'm sorry"

"You know what, I wish that at least I would have found out from you than from another person, we are done"

"Wait Amaya"

"Let me go Kaden I'm not going to waste my time on you"

That night I hardly slept, I cried all night. I really loved Kaden, he made me feel special, but just thinking about it made me feel so miserable.

The next morning I was so tired and felt so weak, that when I got up from bed I had to use all my strength. I went to the bathroom to wash my face, hoping it would help me wake up, but when I got there I saw my face and it looked like a ghost, I was so pale and with giant dark circles under my eyes, I got so scared that I almost scream, but then I realized that it was me so I relaxed, after that I got ready and went to school.

"Girl are you okay?" Felicia ask me


"OMG what happened to you you look like a ghost"

"Haha, nothing I just didn't sleep very well"

"Amaya you look like you haven't slept at all, what happened to you?"

"I'll just tell you in Spanish, or we will be late for class"

My first 2 classes were a disaster, I could barely open my eyes, but I couldn't wait for Spanish since I knew that in that class I was going to wake up, well at least a little.

"Ok now that we are in Spanish, tell me what's wrong with you? Or what happened to you, I don't know, tell me something"

"Well yesterday I found out that Kaden was cheating on me, and we broke up"

"Oh Amaya I'm so sorry"

And Out of nowhere someone said

"¿Amayita tenía novio?!?" (Amayita had a boyfriend?!?)

"Fuera de aquí Joaquín, déjanos solas, no es un buen momento" (Get out of here Joaquin, leave us alone, is not a good time)

"Gracias Felicia, y sí Joaquín yo TENÍA novio" (Thank you Francisca, and yes Joaquin I HAD a boyfriend)

¿Tenias?!?" (Had?!?)

During all that class Joaquin hardly spoke to me, and when he did he did it in a very calm way, and his voice sounded sad.

"Oye Joaquin estás bien?" (Hey, Joaquin, are you alright?)

"Si obvio por?" (Yeah obvious why?)

"No lo sé, es que en si no me as molestado en todo el dia, y tampoco me as llamado Amayita" (I don't know, it's just that you haven't bothered me at all today, and you haven't called me Amayita either)

"Creí que no te gustaba que te dijera eso, ¿Verdad?" (I thought you didn't like me calling you that, right?)

When he said that I blushed a bit and said "No cambies el tema" (Don't change the subject)

"Vi eso" (I saw that)

"Que?" (What?)

"Haha te pusiste rojita" (Haha you where red)

"Sabes que me tengo que ir" (You know what I have to go)

"Pero tengo que admitir que te vez linda y un poco tierna, tomatito" (But I have to admit that you look pretty and a little cute, Tomatito)

OMG but what's wrong with me, I feel like my face is burning, calm down Amaya is fine, he's just a boy, and remember that you just got out of a relationship. He is just another boy, he is just another boy, right?

Years of goodbyesBy: A.C.NorambuenaWhere stories live. Discover now