Chapter 19

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It was already Wednesday and I was already sick of school, literally I didn't sleep well anymore so I looked like a complete zombie.

The thing is that Spanish wasn't the same anymore, Leon put us in groups and for some reason he put me in Joaquins group, the good thing is that Fabi was also in that group.

Joaquin had already broke up with Savanna so we went back to "Amayita" and being kind and all that, I was just trying to get away, but you can't erase the memories of others or yourself so there wasn't much I could do, though I would like to stop thinking about him the memories came back everytime i tried to forget, before it was much worst, practically I will close my eyes and I will see him everywhere, but now it was only when he spoke to me, so it was much much better, because I never did.

Time was passing so fast these days, they were boring and kind of sad. My mom started to think I had depression, and to be honest I thought that too.

When Friday finally came by my mom went to pick me and Fabi up from school so that we could go buy the dress, Fabi's dress.

We went to at least 5 stores before I noticed that Fabi was checking the prices of the dresses. When I saw that I understood that I had to take her where she would not see the prices and finally pick a dress, Mikarose. So I told my mom to take us there so that we could find a dress for her.

When we got there everytime she would see a dress I would cover up the price so that she would not see, she tried on a bunch of dresses, one was a dark green dress that was really really long, then a purple one that she did not like, at all. After a couple more she saw one that she loved. The dress was a sun yellow color, it reached the middle of the legs with sleeves like those Snow White's dress had, I think she did not like it at first, but when she tried it on I could see on her face that she was in love with it.

"You want that one, right?" I ask her while she was looking in the mirror

"Yeah, I mean if it's not to expensive" Said Fabi while she was trying to look at the price

"Girl, I took you here because I know how much the dresses are, so don't worry" I said while she looked at the price.

"But it's $5..."

"Shh, I know how much it is, know change back so that we can buy it"

Fabi changed and I bought the dress, after that we went to eat chinese food and then went home. I was so happy I could make my friend happy, that night I actually did sleep, because I felt good with myself, I finally felt good.

Years of goodbyesBy: A.C.NorambuenaWhere stories live. Discover now