Chapter 6

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A month later

It was August 17, a Monday, a week before classes started. The only bad thing about that was that I was not going to go to the school that I wanted to go to, my parents put me in Black Hacks Middle School,but there was nothing that I could do about it.

That day mom and I were shopping for school supplies. the market was full, the good thing is that since my mom likes to see everything that can be seen when we had to go to pay there was hardly anyone.

That week passed so slowly, besides Kaden hadn't visited me, and I didn't know why, but I didn't care anymore, since no matter what I did he ignored me. On the other hand, Leoni didn't ignore me, but she did act very strange especially when she asked about Kaden, but I didn't really care since I had something more important to worry about, school.

The Sunday of that week I couldn't sleep. I could only think about what if no one likes me, and if I can't fit in "and much more but in the end I was able to fall asleep.

The next morning was monday, it was the monday that school started, well not completely since I was starting 7th grade monday was a day for 7th graders to learn where our classes were and all of that, but either way was very nervous.

When I entered the school I went straight to the office to get my check, when I saw it it said

A1: English: Mr.Hase

A2: PE: Mrs.Martinez

A3: Spanish: Mr. Leon

A4: CCA: kauwee

B5: Math: Mr.Baundri

B6: History: Mr.Fieldson

B7:Science: Mr.caal

B8: Band: Mr. leezie

Mr.Leon, ohh Javier wanna be my spanish teacher?

"ok first class english second floor and in D hall, let's see how it goes"

The rest of the day was very good, the school was not so bad after all, now we had to wait for the next day, since today there were only 7th grade kids, I had to see the 8th and 9th graders.

This time it was very easy to fall asleep since the school didn't seem so bad, besides the daughter of Mr. Leon Felicia was there, and we were good friends since we went to the same church.

The next day on my way to school I thought Calm down, like all the classes you have with the people you met yesterday but little did I know that that wasn't true, well in English, and PE there wasn't anyone new, now I can't say the same about Spanish.

When I entered Spanish everything was normal, they were the same people as yesterday, so I went and sat down, but suddenly I heard someone scream "¡Oye, Hiban, espérame!" (Hey Hiban, wait for me!)

"Oíste eso alguien habló en español" (Did you hear that someone spoke in Spanish)

I told Felicia

"Si no es obvio es una clase de español, que esperabas" (Yeah it's obvious, it's a Spanish class, what did you expect)

"No, este es un español diferente, los gringos hablan diferente a nosotros, la pronunciación y todo eso, este es un español español, español latino" (No, this is a different Spanish, the gringos speak differently from us, this is a Spanish Spanish)

"Y eso solo lo notas tú" (And you are the only one that notice)

"Te puedo apostar que quien haya dicho eso es latino" (I can bet that whoever said that is Latino)

Years of goodbyesBy: A.C.NorambuenaWhere stories live. Discover now