Chapter 23

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The next morning I woke up with as much encouragement as possible, the truth is I don't know why I was like that, but I was happy, when I got to school for some reason my dad dropped me off about 20 minutes earlier, so there was no one, literally no one at school, then i went to the passageway near mrs.golden and started reading.

Suddenly I heard that someone was approaching so I put my book away and got up to leave, but before I could leave, Joaquin stopped at the entrance and told me "Today we are going to talk, right?"

I put on a disappointed face and said "Well yes, but I thought it would be later"

"Can't we talk now?"

I looked at him with an annoyed face and said "Yes, obviously, just let me do something" While I was saying that I took out my phone and put a timer of 6 minutes and 30 seconds "Well you can start now"

"Did you just set a timer?"

"Yes, and your time will run out"

"Yeah, I understand" Joaquin stopped talking for a few seconds

"I'm waiting" I said even more annoyed

"Well, I never told you how I came to like you, did I?"

Why the heck is he asking me that? "No, you didn't tell me"

"Well I'll tell you"

"Ok, I don't care, but ok"

Joaquin looked at me with an uncomfortable face and said "Well the first day of classes when I entered the classroom I saw you and I felt something, the truth is I didn't pay attention but-" Joaquin stopped for a second

someone make this stop please

"But when you stood in front of the class and started talking, there was only one thing I could think of"

"What the hell" I said in a really really soft voice.

"She, she will be mine, mine and only mine"

For a moment there was silence, until suddenly I started laughing


"What can't you believe, and why are you laughing?"

"HAHAHA OK WAIT LET ME CALM DOWN A LITTLE" it took me like a few days to calm down and when I finally did I said "Look at this moment I can only think of 3 things, 1.- Did you make it up? 2.- If you didn't make it up why tell me now?"

I began to laugh again, and suddenly from one second to another I changed, now I was dead it would be "Third, and I want you to put this deep inside your head" I said while pointing at my head "I AM NOBODY'S PROPERTY! understand this I DO NOT HAVE OWNER, and I will NEVER be an object for you to be saying, IT WILL BE MINE MINE AND ONLY MINE" He stopped talking for a second to look at Joaquin's face, you could tell he was surprised, probably he did not expect him to react like that, and he continued talking

"I bet that always works with everyone, but not with me, get that in your head" just when I said that the timer rang, time had run out and even though it was only 6 minutes it seemed like an hour.

"Oh look at that, the timer has run out, bye"

I left there before he could say anything, and obviously I ran to tell Fabi, she was happy again, she felt good about herself and again I didn't have any regrets.

Years of goodbyesBy: A.C.NorambuenaWhere stories live. Discover now