Chapter 7

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Link's eyes shot open. 'Another nightmare... Goddess I hate these...' he thought as he glanced around his room. There was no sunlight peeking through his open window, indicating that it was still night. Ghirahim sat in a patch of moonlight on the floor of the room, gazing out at the moon. The moon's light reflecting off his brown eyes almost like a mirror, and the light hitting his sleek, white hair just right, making it shimmer. In this moment, only one word ran through the hero's mind to describe the scene before him. Beautiful. As much as he despised the demon, he couldn't deny the sheer amazement he felt from within upon viewing the beauty he had now witnessed. A small gasp escaped his lips, catching Ghirahim's attention. "Hmm? Oh, you're awake at this hour? You're certainly an early riser. " he said as he turned his head to look at Link. Link just stared back in an attempt to seem bored. "Well, I wouldn't be awake right now if it weren't for these stupid nightmares..." he mumbled in reply as he turned over in his bed, facing away from Ghirahim. "Nightmares, you say?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "Yes, nothing you'd know about." "Care to explain these nightmares?" Link sighed. 'Oh, why not? He'll probably pester me about it later if I don't.' Link proceeded to explain his most recent nightmare, followed y the previous ones. Ghirahim nodded his head every so often, listening carefully, with a look of... understanding??? Who knew what that was about. Link went on with his explanation anyway. When he finished, Ghirahim stared at him as if he understood every detail he'd just been told. "Well" he said, leaning back against the wall, "You were mistaken then, it is something I'd know about."

Link stared tiredly at the demon lord as he begun an explanation of his own. "As I had earlier said, I'm permanently banned from the demon realm. The reason is due to my failure to revive my old master. The demons currently in charge see me as unworthy to remain among their ranks, resulting in myself being exiled." As Ghirahim explained his recent conflict, he stared at the moon with shame. "The demon king and his two generals are now planning to finish what Demise had begun; to throw this world into the hands of destruction. I believe your "nightmares" are actually visions sent by your Goddess, as her attempt to warn you of the impending collapse of the Surface." Link couldn't believe what he was hearing. A second destruction he's destined to stop? Well, he certainly couldn't let his home and all his friends turn to nothingness. "Ok, so how do we stop them?" Ghirahim's eyes widened, a look of utter shock on his face. "Stop them? The new ruler of demons is rumored to be in a stronger position of power than Demise had been. If the rumors are true, he would be extremely difficult to overcome. It would take some preparing to even reach the demon realm. Are you sure you desire to attempt a feat of such difficulty?" Link put on a face of determination. Ghirahim took that as a yes. Smirking, he turned back to his bed. "We'll leave in the morning. I hope we needn't delay long. Be prepared."

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