A New Day for the Wano Country!: Shogun Kozuki Momonosuke!

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There was a bit of silence making you and Nami with the others listen in suspense.

You cried as you held Chopper, "....!!"

Chopper looked up to you and asked if you were okay, "Mom? Are you okay...?"


Luffy did it...


Everyone near you screamed in joy and relief with happy tears as some hugged each other with you and Chopper hugging once again, "YATTA(YAY!)! LUFFY WON!!" Cried out Chopper as you smiled with tears streaming down your face.

"Yeah...! He did it!" You smiled.

"Thank you...!" Tama was crying in Nami's chest as she soon recalled when her parents died in the factory and how she's been selling straw hats for a living and now, she's able to eat as much as she wants.

"Momonosuke-sama was the one who saved the island!!" Declared Nekomamushi to the alliance electing them to cheer once more.

Marco smiled, "Your captain is something Princess!"

You nodded, "Yep! That's our Luffy alright!"

But the cheering was cut short when some Beast Pirates wanted to fight still, "No! If you want to continue fighting to the death then fight me instead!" Declared Yamato.

The alliance soon cheered again.

"Yay! We won! Igneel we did it!!" Cheered Celestia as Igneel smiled and pressed his forehead against hers, "Yeah...We did...Together." Celestia smiled at that statement as they stood still for a few moments.

"We did it...? Luffy-kun won..? WAAH!~ I'm so relieved!" Cried Sky as Shadow hugged her, "We did dear."

"WAHOO! WE WON! WE WON!!" Goku jumped in the air as he turned to Flora and grabbed her hands and swung them up and down with his, "We did it, Flo! We did it! Haha! I knew Luffy would win!"

The woman smiled and soon surprisingly kissed the earth god making the man stop jumping and stand in shock before turning to jelly, "Yes we did sweetie! I'm so glad! I have yet to thank you and your crew! So, thank you!" Smiled the goddess.

Goku blushed heavily but still replied, "Y-yeah...! No problem...!"

Aqua smiled at his crew before looking at Icy, "You are free now Icy. You can do what you wish for at will." The man hugged her as she blushed but soon cried and grasped onto him like he was about to disappear.

"Aqua-sama...Everyone...(Y/N)-san...! THANK YOU...!!!" Cried the Ice goddess as you smiled at them from afar before nodding.

Nami and Tama soon joined in your hug making you laugh as you still cried, "We did it! We did it! Luffy won! Luffy won!" Chanted the girls as Chopper joined it also.

You soon wiped your tears off your face and soon turned serious, "Alright! Chopper! We're getting a LOT of patients by the looks of the hoards of samurai and some of our crew coming towards us. Let's get ready!" Chopper nodded.

"Alright, mom!"

Usopp with Kin'emon and Kiku came in while Franky and Zoro(who was carried by Franky) shouted to you about the casualties making you and Chopper get overwhelmed but luckily, Miyagi and Tristan soon joined in to help.

"Thank you, you two! You'd be a great help! I can't multiply myself since I'm trying to keep my magic for healing purposes." You said making the minks nod.

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