The other parent's responsibilities G!P Gigi Hadid

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Y/N pov

I smiled looking down at the pregnancy test showing two lines meaning I am pregnant. I took out my phone as I sent a quick text to my girlfriend, Gigi, who has been there for me when my family aka the Jenner's since I was a Jenner except my birth caused my father to leave so mom blamed me. Soon, of course, the other followed and I was treated as a maid rather than a son but I don't care,  I gave food and clothes to people on the street if I could. I sent a quick text asking her to meet up with me. I wore a simple outfit before going downstairs not to see only my family but along with Gigi and some people that looked like her.

Kris: "Y/n, darling, come here for a while." She said waving me over and making me walk over ignoring the glares from the others.

I stood before her and before I could comprehend it, I felt a force hit my left cheek making me fall between the feet of Gigi. I looked at her, the father of the child in me, staring at me blankly. I was picked up roughly as Bruce held my face between his hand harshly.

Bruce: "I want you out of my house. You are not worthy to be a part of this family. Sign these contracts saying you will deny Jelena Noura Hadid being the father and will not share any information about her or these families." He said.

I was given a pen as I signed everything before dropping the pen and getting a copy of the contract. I smile to myself feeling free as I walked out of that ungrateful and ugly family. I took out my phone as I dialed my dad's number which I found out three days ago. After telling him everything, he sent a Rolls Royce to pick me up bringing me to a one-of-a-kind Manor. The guards by the door open the big double doors as I was led to a what seem lounge room. I was asked to sit down.

"You are the only one I always admired for your golden heart. I want you to inherit my wealth and company along with my business and this place. You are a part of this family now, You are an Aldaine."He spoke with such authority making me nod.

3 years later,

I finished giving birth to my beautiful son, Sebastian James Aldaine. A beautiful boy who is turning 3 tomorrow which is perfect since I finish my course and elegance classes and can return before his birthday. We decided to throw a party in Paris as we wanted to go to their amusement park and finish off with a nice dinner at the Eiffel tower with a view of Paris.

Gigi Pov

"Let us celebrate the Kar-Jenner and Hadid's Business by a dinner here in Paris," Bruce announced making everyone cheer as I lean back on my seat.

I found out that my sperm doesn't work anymore resulting in Barbara leaving me since she wanted children. I sigh as I sigh feeling useless. I got up from my seat grabbing a drink.

Kris: "You could always get an implant or adopt."Kris said making me look at her.

Gigi: "It's not the same, I want children of my own, my blood and flesh." I said 

They all sigh until Bella spoke.

Bella: "What about Y/n wasn't she pregnant?" She said making me grab my phone calling my assistant and asking her to find out about Y/N.

Kris: "Now while we wait for that girl to respond let's go celebrate at the expensive restaurant." She said making me forget everything as we all walked to the restaurant.

We got sat down as I waited for Kendall to sit down so I could enter after her. I felt a little body collide with my leg making me look down to see a cute little boy in a suit. I helped him up before dusting his clothes. He looked at me and I smiled. He has the same eyes as me. The boy apologized and started rambling making me stop him. He said he lost his mother and asked if he could stay with us making us nod. We talked to him and grew fond of the boy soon. He was smart. We were laughing at his joke when two big men in suits showed up.

"Sir Sebastian, your mother is looking for you." The guy said making Sebastian whine and making us laugh.

Sebastian refused and pouted making us laugh at the stubborn boy.

"Your mother is coming, Seb."The guy says making Sebastian smile and our hearts melt.

The guards move to the side as we watched a woman walk towards us elegantly making me swoon. She came over as the light shone on her showing her face and making our breath get stuck in our throats


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