Toxic Relationship Bella Hadid

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Y/n Pov

I frown as i watch Bella in the club,letting some girl grind on her making me clench my jaw.I grabbed my purse and left by stopping a taxi and got in it as i told him the address.

Once i got to the penthouse,i threw my bag before going in my room and locking the door sliding down against the door with my face in my hand.

Regretting the decision of leaving home well running away.I thought she was the one but i was wrong it looks like.I lean against the door as i cried to myself.I knew she didn't love me like she used too but if i were to leave where would i go.

I heard the door unlock along with Bella's voice and her friends.I had to eat my medicine like the doctors said.I took a deep breath and make sure i looked presentable.I walked downstairs purposely bumping into Bella and ignoring her.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my medicine along with a cup of water.I swallowed down the medicine before washing away the bitter taste with water.I lean against the counter holding it as i felt a headache coming making me groan.

I grabbed some oil and rub my forehead before taking a cup of water again.I felt two arms wrapped around me from behind making me turn and shove the person away.

Bella:"Babe it's me."She said making me shake my head.

Y/n:"I can't."I said making her frown as she took small steps towards me.

Bella:"What's wrong babe?"She asked.

That was it.That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Y/n:"You fucking let some girl grind on you and you ask me what's wrong!"I snapped making her eyes widen.

Bella:"Fuck! Babe-"

Y/n:"Dont babe me.I'm sick and tired of this relationship,Bella.I'm leaving."I said as i ran back upstairs and grabbed the clothes i pack and left without saying another word to her.

I had called Abel earlier since he and Bella wasn't dating.He brought me back to his place and i slept in the guest room letting sleep take over me along with sadness.Wishing it was the last time i woke up.

I woke up to yelling and indistinct chattering making me sit up and rub my eyes before looking at the clock in the room to see it was 10.07am.I got up and stretched before going downstairs to the yelling.

Abel was there his body covering someone.I walked closer standing next to him seeing Bella and her friends.

Bella:"Y/n..."She tried to grab me but i moved back and Abel stopped her making her glare at him.

Y/n:"We're over and that's it.We are fucking toxic can't you see that?"I said making her glare soften as she looked at me.

She sniff before nodding and walking away making Abel close the door making me turn to him.

Y/n:"Are you happy now?"I ask making him grin and nod.

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