Toxic Gigi Hadid

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"Fuck you!"Gigi screamed at me.

"You already fucked me remember."I said.

"You cheated on me with her.Out of all people my sister!"She said.

"Why do you want me to do about it.She's hot and beside she's your equal."I say shrugging it off.

"Your such an ass.Im tired."Gigi says.

"Of what fighting.Then leave.I have other girls for my needs."I say not giving a shit.

"What happened to you.I remembered the sweet and charming Y/n but she's gone."Gigi says lowly.

"She died when she saw her gf with her brothers having sex without a care in the world."I say lowly as i fidget with the ring on my index finger.

"Oh my god! It was months ago.Get over it!"Gigi says.

"Get over it.Do you think its fucking easy for me to just let it go like that.I love you Gigi.I hate myself for it.I wish i can just walk out on you without feeling any thing but i cant and i regret every single moment i shared with you.The pain it gets worse everyday and i dont even know how my love for you is that strong that i stay with you."I say.


"No listen,im done."I say looking at her in the eyes.

Her eyes were glossy.

"Im done loving you.Im done trying to heal myself when every time i see you i see my brother and you.I can-cant.I just cant.I give up.I hope you find your happiness in someone else."I say as i place the ring on the coffee table and grabbed my jacket and left not looking back.

I got in the elevator and as soon as the door shut i let it out every emotion i felt during the conversation.I was crying in the corner i didnt notice the door open.

"Y/n?"A feminine voice says.

I look up to see Angelina.My ex the one that Gigi hates the most.
I was too weak to even move.Angelina brought me to her apartment as i told her everything.She kissed me and one thing let to another.

3 months later,

I promised Angelina that ill bring her to Craig's today so thats what i did.I was currently booking a table for us.I sat down next to some people but i was too busy on Angelina too realise that it was Gigi and her friends next to me.

"So what do you want babe?"Angelina asks me.

"Ill get what ever you want."I say as i intertwine my fingers with hers.

"I love you."Angelina says.

"I love you too."I say.

I really do.In those 3 months she made me realised my worth and how much i mean to her.

I pecked her lips as i continued showing her pictures of when we went to Paris.

"I looked cute there."Angelina says.

I scoff.

"You look cute every time.You just dont realise it."I say as i winked at her making a faint blush reach her cheeks.


I turned to see Bella.

"Hey bells."I said.

I learned to forgive and forget so i did.

"How are you?"She asks.

"Great."I say.

"Hi im Angelina."Angelina says.

Bella smiles as she introduces herself.

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