chapter 44| when we were young (final chapt.)

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Hailee's POV:

"Can you walk me in, officer?"  I said, quietly.

Tears. Tears. So many fucking tears, running down my cheek. So much trauma, that I will never get over.  I've gotten no closure with any of my friends that have died. And you know what, they aren't just my friends. They're my family. Myles took them away from me. At least I still have Bella and Oliver left.

"Of course, sweetie." The cop said, patting my back and walking me into our room.

I walked in and saw Oliver and Bella on the kitchen floor. My jaw dropped and I started crying so hard that I couldn't breathe. At all.

The officer started to frantically call the other cops up.

I fell to the floor and started to throw up.

Other than Lottie, whose dead to me. And Logan and Andrew, i'm the last one standing.

Ambulance arrived and hauled out Bella and Oliver. I kissed them on the head and sobbed.

I called Logan to tell him the news and he began to cry on the other side of the phone. I heard his new girlfriend, Grace, trying to comfort him in the background.

I tried to calm down and the cops went out searching for Myles. One cop, decided to stay with me so I didn't get hurt.

I remembered what Blaire had said about having something in her bag for us.

She had wrote letters. Letters, to all of us.

Amir, Oliver, Logan,Ben, Nick,Lottie, Bella, Angie, and me. But she even wrote something to Myles.

Dear Hailee, I owe you an apology. I think it was selfish of me to want to take my life. I know it would hurt you and everyone else. And for that, I apologize. But I know i'm not as strong as you. Myles would've killed me anyways.

I have been struggling mentally, after Amir died and I can't take it any longer. I'm going insane. The only way was for me to end the pain. By pointing the gun to my head. By pulling that trigger.

Thank you, for being my first real friend I ever had. My sister I've always wanted. You have shown and taught me new things, every single day. 

You pick me up when I fall. But this time, you couldn't pick me up, so God did.

Love always, Bee.

I cried. I cried so so hard. Harder than I've ever cried. The page had tear drops all over it.

The officer leaned over and hugged me.

You don't get many cops like that nowadays.

I picked up the letter she wrote to Myles. My hands were shaking and I was hesitant to read it, but I did anyways.

Dear Myles, you son of a bitch. I could sit here and give you all of the reasons I hate you. But some part of my brain brings me back to the memories of when we were young.

You destroyed my life. You destroyed everyone's lives. I cant forgive you. I hate you. But I love the you that gave me a promise ring pop when we were little. I love the you that played on the playground at the hockey rink with me. I love the you that road on the bus with me, my first day of kindergarten, when you were in 1st grade.

There will never be justice for the loved ones you killed. And I hope that haunts you deep down, forever.

Goodbye Myles. Rot in Hell, Blaire.

"You can leave now, I'm okay." My voice cracked.

"Are you sure?" The officer asked.

I nodded and he left.

I sat on the brand new couch we just bought. I breathe in all the different smells in the room. The blood, the chemicals, the smell of burnt skin, fresh new furniture smell, my new clothes. I breathe in.

"Hey!!!!" Yelled younger Myles.

9 year old Myles, blonde and bright blue eyes. A sweet innocent soul, loved harder than any child you could've met at the time.

"Hailee, do you wanna play house? I can be dad and you be the mom!" He exclaimed.

Younger Hailee answered him with, "Yes, of course!"

They ran around the playhouse and faked cooked together and had baby dolls that were their kids. Myles got on one knee and asked her to marry him.

I breathe out. I'm back at the house, the shitty smells of death and furniture. I start to pack a travel bag. I put all of the notes in the bag, so I can put them in the caskets when I find time to make funeral plans. I still pack extra emergency equipment, even though I have no one else to prepare for anymore. I'm all alone.

I get in the rental car, as I drive down the main highway.. I begin to zone out to the sound of the cars flying by....

BOOM. The pins all go down as Ben rolls the ball down the alley. We all cheer! Me, Blaire, Amir, Oliver, and Ben.

"Blaire, just quit being such a pussy and go kiss him!" I exclaimed.

Fifteen year old Hailee and thirteen year old Blaire, at a bowling alley.

Blaire was so scared to kiss Amir that night, their first ever kiss. God, they were so in-love at such a young age.

"Hailee, I can't! What if i mess up?" Blaire quietly raised her voice.

"Girl, just go over there and let him do all the work." I whispered.

Blaire walked over there and sat down with Amir, and in that moment he told her he loved her, and they kissed.

As all of our friends cheer,


There's people honking at me. Fuck, how long was I out of it? I decided to pull into a small town to try and get something to eat before I continue my long passage to no where.

I walk into a local café called, Crescent Café. I ordered a blueberry bagel, and a large hot coffee. I go outside and sit at one of the table and start eating. And that's when I spotted him.


He smiles really heavily, I start to walk away very slowly. He begins to pick up speed, faster. faster. faster. faster....


I hear Blaire and Oliver yelling in my head, 'faster'! I soon see us all running down our neighborhood streets as we run from Logan with his Airsoft guns. Oliver's slight giggles, as he watches me and Blaire run as fast as we can. I can smell the cool summer air and the birds chirping.

SWOOSH, a gust of wind. I make a sudden stop and turn around and I am now face to face with Myles.

I breathe in.

He pulls his weapon out.


Myles drops to the floor as Andrew pops up behind him, with his 9mm still pointed in the air, now facing me. He quickly puts it away. We lock eyes. For a moment, I still can't breathe. I'm lost in his gorgeous ocean blues. As I go to breathe in, I feel a sharp pain go through my stomach. It burns, I start to fall over as I hear Andrew's scream for me.

Myles shot me, from lying on the ground. He was never fully dead. Andrew quickly finished him off.

He dies with a smile on his face.

"Oh, Hailee." Andrew says as he whimpers.

I can't speak, I lock eyes with him. I tell him stories with my eyes. He begins to sob hysterically as he holds me softly. "I love you Hailee. I always have and I always will. You are my rock, and my will. I miss being the love of your life. And I am so sorry that I did all those horrible things to you. Our dear friends, our kids. I hold them forever in my heart. As I will with you. You'll always be mine even when no one wanted you to be with me. Sometimes you have to be selfish to be happy." He says as I take my last.

And final.


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