chapter 24| up to you

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Blaire's POV:

We boarded the plane. Amir was holding my hand, dragging his suitcase with the other.

We obviously sat next to each other, and Hailee sat on the other side of me. Across from our row was Bella and Oliver.
We talked to Ben, and we decided he's not safe either. We all agreed he should hide out somewhere.

When we get to Paris, Ben is meeting up with us a few days after.

I lied my head on Amir's shoulder and ran my fingers along his stomach. He looked down at me and pecked my forehead.

I still feel the butterflies in my stomach every time.

Hailee's POV:

My minds empty, but all I know is I should be sitting next to Andrew right now. And i'm not.

The thought of being without him, terrifies me. He's my source of happiness. I shouldn't rely on people for my happiness, but I usually do.

"Aw, I want what you guys have." I said, with a smile. A painful smile.

"You will one day, Hails." Blaire replied. "You just gotta manifest it."

"Did you manifest me?" Amir questioned Blaire.

She looked away and started scratching her head,and they both started to giggle.

I'm a big believer in manifestation. I believe if you want it enough, it will eventually happen. You just have to make it happen.

Your life is up to you.
I've realized that.

I've let way too many people control my life, and how my future should be. But now that i'm single, I want to change that. I'm gonna strive to be the best version of myself.

Oliver's POV:

"God damn, Bell."


"I just realized how long this flight is."

"As long as we're safe. That's all that matters. " Bella answered. "Besides, it'll be a good vacation for us. We need this."

"You're right. I wish Ben was here though."

"He's gonna come, just be patient, Oliver."

Ben is one of my best friends. I trust him more than a lot of my other friends. He's always there for me, no matter the situation. Our bond is unbreakable, even when we fight. Sometimes he does take things too far, but I still love him. And these past years, we've been making our bond even stronger. For awhile, we lived together.

He has some family issues, like everyone. But his are probably more extreme than others. It gives him character though. The trauma makes him who he is, and I love him.

He recently hadn't been in my life too much, but that didn't break our "bromance" one bit. No matter how many days we go without talking, we click again, instantly.

Lottie's POV:

The sky above our picnic was, pink, yellow, and orange. A beautiful sunset, in a beautiful park, with a beautiful man.

Every sight was a stunning one. Especially him. He took my breath away.

I loved him, while I shouldn't. I abandoned everything I had, and risked my life for him.

"Myles, where are we going? Like are we just going to run?" I asked him.

"I'm going to find a place somewhere, for us to live. " He said, looking into my soul, with lust. "I've been saving up. We can get a nice ass place."

"Where at?"

"California, it's really nice there. I went there with Logan, about 3 years ago." He told me, as he started to eat. "We met some cool ass people there."

I moved in closer and laid my head on his lap.

"I wanna spend the rest of my life with you."

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