chapter 1|moving in

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"Scarlett, start packing!" Lottie's mom said," Hailee and Blaire are picking you up in two hours, to move into the new house."

"Mom,I'm trying, but Nolan's shit is all mixed in with my clothes."

Scarletts the type of girl everyone likes. Her long blonde hair, her bright blue eyes, her slim body and perfect curves. She comes off as the perfect person. In reality she struggles, she feels if she cries, she's a softie. She always heard "Be a big girl" or "Big girls don't cry," it made her feel bad. She only has a few close friends, even though everyone knows her. She doesn't open up too much. She's pretty mysterious, nobody knows her personal life. Scarlett is also the type to fall in love too easily. She paints a picture in her head of how she imagines them to be, even though they aren't that way. Her best friend,Blaire, always tells her the truth. Even if it hurts.

"Lottie, you can't make of version of him in your head. He's nothing like that in real life. You see the good in people, even if there is none."

Blaire has a god complex, very confident, always believes she's right, thinks she's the prettiest in the room always. She is tough on the outside, but can be really insecure with herself. She has a crazy bad temper. Blaire doesn't get sad, she gets mad. She grew up with two brothers, which made her as tough as she is. But she also grew up with a drunk dad. He tore her down. He wasn't physically abusive, but mentally. Her mom stayed with him even though she hated him with every fiber in her body. It fucked Blaire up big time. She was always the one to defend her mom, even if that meant hurting her dad. Her mom was always first in her mind. Blaire seems like she's fine, but on the inside she's fucked up. Nobody sees that side of her, she doesn't trust anyone enough. And when she does open up, she's "too young to be sad" or "you're fine,you have nothing to be sad about." The confidence is all a front. Most of its not real.

Blaire's Pov:

Hailee texted me and asked if her dress was cute for the wedding. Hailee at the time had her boyfriend that she was dating for a year and a few months. They were everyone's favorite couple, the perfect couple. Me and Hailee took so many pictures, and we slowly became bestfriends overtime. Hailee eventually called me and told me about the breakup. I never really knew anything about her at the time. I never knew she was fucked up. She had mental health issues and self esteem issues. The night of her break up she realized that she didn't wanna try anymore, she wanted to disappear off the planet. But she stayed, and she ended up in my friend group. And then she got in touch with all her old guy friends, even Andrew. We all had this big group chat where it all started, we finally got some plans made and most of us went. We went to Spins Bowling Alley, where me and Amir shared our first kiss. I watched Hailee and Andrew fall in love right infront of my eyes. The way he looked at her was so divine, he looked at her bright blue eyes like he's never seen anyones like it.

Andrew always has been the type to just push everything away, even after his parents divorce. He grew up with the "you need to get over it mentality" and he's always been overly mature for his age. Hailee brought out his inner child again, maybe that's why he likes her. He acts like all of our dads and is taking care of everyone but himself.

He started packing his room, and he got a text from Hailee that says "picking up lottie now."

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