🌹Part Two : Chapter Seven

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Episode - Party Guessed (Kinda)
Third Person POV

"It's not that deep, okay?" Argent sighed and his wife, Victoria, looked at him before taking the cleaning stuff from him and said, in a soothing voice, "It's all right. I'll clean it myself."

"It's not that bad. We don't know. We can't know-- not for sure." Argent argued with his father.

"It's a bite from an Alpha." Gerard huffed and Argent snapped, "She's my wife. Allison's mother."

"And I'm the cold-hearted patriarch holding his family to its commitments. We all have our roles. Just don't expect me to play poisoned king to your Hamlet of a son. Not with a full moon coming." Gerard snapped and Argent looked at his wife before the door to the room they where in.

"What about Allison? How am I supposed to get her through this? We just buried Kate..." Gerard cut Argent off and snapped, "Then tell me-- how long is long enough? When exactly do you think Allison will be emotionally prepared enough to handle the death of her mother?"

"She can't lose her, too." Argent softly said.

"Ah, you're getting your tenses mixed up-- your wife is already dead, and that thing over there is just a cocoon waiting to hatch." Panicked screams rang threw before black mist like energy filled the room. Gerard pulled out his gun as Lillian appeared panting for breath and holding her chest.

"Lillian?" Mrs. Argent asked as she got up and walked over to the short teen. "Are you okay, honey?"

"Yeah, just a nightmare." Lillian answered, waving off the concern. "What happened to you?"

"Bit by a werewolf." Victoria answered and Lillian nodded.

"Sit, I can get rid of it. Ya know so you don't have to kill yourself."

"Does somebody want to tell me what's going on?"

"No, go fuck yourself." Lillian answered as Victoria sat on the chair she was in before Lillian appeared. Lillian rubbed her hands together before Gerard shot his gun and hit Lillian on the side of the head. Lillian looked at him annoyed while Chris and Victoria looked surprised. "Bitch, do you want me to erase you from reality?" Lillian asked and Gerard grew even more confused. "Because I will, I already get bad vibes from you, don't make it worse." Lillian huffed before turning her attention back to Victoria. She rubbed her hands together again before placing one on the bite mark and the adults watched as the black energy formed around the area before fading to a dimly lit white. Lillian pulled her hand away and smiled at the now healed spot on Victoria before nodding to herself. "Can I use your phone?"

"Yeah." Chris nodded before handing his phone to the teen.

"Mr. Argent?" Stiles asked sounding confused.

"No, I'm just using his phone."

"You appeared at the Argent's again?"

"At least this time I'm in pants." Lillian joked.

"I'm on my way, eat some cookies."

"Don't have to tell me twice."

"I love you, and I understand if you don't say it back."

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