🌹Part 3B : Chapter Two

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Episode - Silverfingers (takes place in the episode)

"So then, she starts talking about phosphors, and the key having chemicals on it, right? And so that made me think of the chemistry closet, and the fact that someone had to let Barrow in..." Stiles said as he and Scott stood in front of the school doors. "It's gone..." Stiles said as Lillian stopped next to them. "Okay, it doesn't matter though. It doesn't matter. I've still got the key--" Stiles pulled out his keychain and frowned when he didn't see the key he was talking about, "...What the hell?" Stiles whispered before anxiously saying, "I had it-- I had it here. I had it here this morning, I swear to God, I had it this morning."

"The key you were talking about last night?" Scott asked and Lillian looked at the two confused.

"Yeah. I showed it to you, right? Didn't I show it to you?" Stiles asked and Scott gently shook his head as he answered, "No, you just told me about it. I never actually saw it..."

"Lillian, go wait at your locker. I'll be there soon." Lillian frowned before nodding and kissing Stiles' cheek. Lillian left the two and made her way to her locker. After a few minutes Stiles got over to Lillian, looking angry.

"You took Lydia's powers?" He snapped and Lillian shrugged.

"Yes, a while ago. She annoyed me." Lillian answered and Stiles stared at her before snapping, "You can't just take someone's powers because they annoyed you!"

"Yes I can." Lillian nodded and Stiles hit the locker next to her, causing Lillian to jump up rather surprised.

"Give them back." Stiles ordered and Lillian shook her head.


"Give them back, Lillian."

"No, she does not deserve a gift from me."

"They where not from you!" Stiles snapped and Lillian looked at him.

"They where from a past me to one of her ancestors... Meaning they are from me." Stiles ran his hands over his face.

"If you do not give them back we are done, for good. I will not come back groveling for you to take me back, we will be done."

"Then we are done because I am not giving them back." Lillian said and Stiles looked surprised. "What, expecting me to bend to your will? You forget I don't depend on you. You depend on me." Lillian said and Stiles swallowed hard. "Now, you where saying that if I don't give your whore's powers back we're done? What do you plan on doing, huh? How is that going to work when you claim all you want is me?"

"I'll figure it out, but I'm not going to be with a controling bitch."

"I'm the controling bitch? You literally just ordered me to give Lydia her powers back or we're done, talk about controling. I'm only agreeing with what you said." Lillian said as she opened her locker and pulled out the rings, and Stiles grew excited that he would finally get his rings back. "You said I don't give her powers back we're done, fine. We're done. Here's proof." Lillian said before opening her hand and a fireball appeared. Lillian raised the chain of all their rings and dropped it in the fire. "There all done. Bye bye." Lillian smiled as she shrugged before she walked passed a shocked Stiles.


Lillian walked into Damon's work and frowned when she saw it was a mess.

"What do you want?" Damon snapped.

"I need the cast you used to send Stiles and I into past memories so I can alter it." Lillian answered and Damon huffed.

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