🌹Part 3B : Chapter Eight

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Episode - Insatiable (Takes part in the episode but major changes. This is probably the last chapter in part 3B so it's going to be shorter than the rest of the chapters.)

"Hello, Dítě." Void greeted and Lillian looked at him. "There's no point in crying over the prick."

"You wouldn't understand, Void."

"Try me."

"Just tell me what you want." Lillian sighed, really just wanting to be alone.

"Show me your arms." Lillian rolled up her sleeves showing off several new cuts.

"Honey," Void whispered as he closed the distance between the two of them.

"Just tell me what you want."

"Lydia needs her powers back for what I have planned."

"Fine, whatever. Where is the bitch?"

"Come with me." Void held his hand out for Lillian and she sighed before taking it. Void raised her arm and kissed the new cuts. Void led Lillian out of her room and downstairs and Lillian couldn't stop the smile that formed when she saw Lydia tied up.

"That makes me happy," Lillian whispered and Void smiled at her.

"I figured it would."

"Drayce!" Lillian called and the Kraugerys appeared before getting down on one knee. "I require the powers of a banshee I gave you," Lillian said and Drayce nodded before she moved away from Void and placed her hands on Drayce's head. Lillian pulled away before walking to Lydia. "I need her to kneel." Void walked over to Lydia before kicking the back of her knees, causing her to fall down. "Thank you." Void nodded before placing his hand on the side of her head and kissing her temple, the scar feeling weird as he did so.

"Do what you have to do then I'll get her out of your face." Lillian nodded as Void moved away from her. Lillian placed her hands on Lydia's head. After a few minutes, Lillian backed up. "I need to talk to you in the kitchen real quick," Void said before pulling Lillian into the kitchen.

"What?" Lillian softly asked and he picked her up before placing her on the counter.

"Have you eaten?"

"No, but it's only been an hour," Lillian stated and Void frowned before tucking hair behind her ear. "Can you go now?" Lillian asked and Void frowned before softly nodding.

"Okay. Do you need anything before I go?" He asked and Lillian shook her head. "You don't want a wrap because I can go and grab you one."

"I do not want her here," Lillian stated and Void nodded.

"We could lock her in a trunk and I could make you something." Void offered and Lillian let out a hum.

"No thank you," Lillian stated. "I'd probably leave her in the trunk to die, and you said you needed her." Void smiled before tucking hair behind her ear.

"I do need her." Void hummed and Alastair walked inside.

"That is none of you husbands." He bluntly stated and Lillian looked at him before nodding.

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