🌹Part 3B : Chapter Seven

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Episode - De-Void (I am changing the show a bit, I'm 84% sure that Allison was never at the McCall house but she's going to be. Also changing the time frame, because The Fox and the Wolf is supposed to be hours before De-Void but I'm changing it to a few days before De-Void, minus the ending scene.)
~With Allison~

Catina stormed into the McCall house, tightly holding a gun in her left hand.

"Where is she?!" Catina demanded and everyone jumped before looking at her surprised.

"Allison?" Scott asked before adding, "I thought you were looking for Isaac."

"He took Lillian, almost a week ago!" Catina snapped before pushing Scott to the side and storming to the Nogitsune. "Where is my sister!?"

"Do you even care? Or are you just worried that I'll kill her and you'll die as a result?" Void asked and Catina pressed the gun to his head, causing Scott to jump and rush over to her.

"Let's not aim the gun at Stiles' body."

"Where is my sister?" Catina asked as she lowered the gun slightly. Void looked rather amused as he stared at her.

"You're not Allison, are you? Catina took over."

"Where is my baby sister?"

"You mean the sister you've killed hundreds of times? You mean the borderline pacifist who just wanted the love of her sister and uncle?"

"Where is she?"

"Which Catina are you?" Void asked before continuing, "Considering how protective you seem to be of Daciana, I would assume either the first, twelfth, or thirtieth."

"Where is my sister?" Catina snapped.

"Safe from you," Void answered and Catina clenched her jaw. "You must be the first. I have all the memories, you know. I know everything you did to her, in every life."

"Where is my sister?" Catina asked in a calmer tone, which scared Scott who heard the tone used when Lillian was defending him or Stiles.

"You're the first one, huh? The one who had to watch her die after giving birth and then had to watch your nephew die. Then Mieczyslaw takes the sword he gave Daciana and stabs himself." Catina clenched her jaw again as she aimed the gun back at Void.

"Shut your mouth."

"She must have summoned you in her sleep. I didn't think she could do that, I thought she could only change this soul. I didn't think it was anyone she brought back from the dead." Void mused before calmly adding, "I'll have to tell her about it later over dinner." Catina let out a huff before grabbing some tape and putting it over his mouth, listening to him laugh against the tape.

~With Lillian~

Lillian stood in the backyard, barefooted, as she gently ran her fingertips over some flowers. She let out a small hum at the feeling of the petals.

"My love?" Lillian let out a hum as she continued walking around with her fingers brushing the flowers.

"Yes, my dear." Lillian has gotten used to the voices of her dead husbands over the past few weeks.

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