🌹Part Four : Chapter Two

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~Year 2222~
~With Daciana~

Daciana sat in her maths class when someone sat next to her.

"Hey, what page are we on?" The person asked and Daciana looked at him before looking at her book.

"307." She whispered back and the man smiled before turning to page 307.

"Thanks." The man said and Daciana ignored him as she went back to the lecture. "You want a chip?" The man asked and Daciana looked at him annoyed.

"Dude, I am trying to learn. If you are going to continue talking, move elsewhere." Daciana huffed and the man looked amused.

"So you're that kind of student." He bluntly stated and Daciana rolled her eyes before going back to taking notes. "What are you going to college for?" He asked and Daciana rolled her eyes before using her left hand and pressed her middle, pointer, and thumb together before pulling her hand back. Daicana peacefully took notes while the man tried to talk to her but found her couldn't.

Their class ended and Daciana undid the cast as she left the room. Daciana walked to her next class and smiled at Drayce as he wrote things down on the whiteboard.

"Hi, sweetheart. How ya doing?"

"Fine, a guy sat next to me and wouldn't shut up."

"Did you sew his mouth shut?" Drayce asked and Daciana smiled. "Honey." Came the disapproving tone.

"Hey, he interupted my maths class. I need that shit to graduate with my degree. I am spending thousands of dollars on this shit, ain't nobody going to make me fail."

"Honey, you are a multi-billionare. I don't think it matters if you fail one class." Drayce said and Daciana shrugged.

"He doesn't know that." Drayce looked past Daciana and his eyes narrowed. "What?" Daciana softly asked before turning around and saw the man from her maths class. "That's him." Daciana stated and Drayce walked over to him before shoving him out of the room. "Hey!" Daciana exclaimed before rushing out of the room.

"Why the hell are you here?!" Drayce exclaimed as he slammed the man into a wall.

"I just want an education." The man stated and Drayce glared at him.

"I'm calling bullshit on that." Drayce snapped and the man smiled before looking at a surprised Daciana.

"Drayce!" She exclaimed before ordering, "Put him down." Drayce dropped the man and Daciana placed a hand on his arm.

"Come on, I have a class to teach." Drayce sighed and Daciana nodded before the two walked into the class room.

"Who is he? Why where you so angry?" Daciana asked and Drayce shook his head.

"Now's not the time to talk about it. We'll talk about it when we get home." Daciana nodded before moving to her seat as the man walked in the room. He moved to sit next to Daciana but Drayce quickly put an end to that and told him he would be sitting in the front, where there was an empty seat.

"You have assigned seats?"

"Only for assholes." Drayce countered and the man rolled his eyes before moving to the seat Drayce pointed at.

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