🌹Part Two : Chapter Eight

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Episode - None (This is just past lives because I can. Remember all memories are in third person.)
Third Person POV
First life

Mieczyslaw walked into Daciana's bed room with a few flowers and frowned when she wasn't there. He put the flowers down before leaving the room and house. He, quickly, found Daciana walking in the woods

"Love, why do you keep trying to run away?" Mieczyslaw asked and Daciana frowned before looking at him.

"If I was trying to run away you would never find me... And I am not your love."

"Come on, I got you a gift." Mieczyslaw sighed as he held out his hand.

"No." Daciana deadpanned before turning away from him and continued her walk.

"Love, please. You'll like the gift, I promise."


"You are my wife, and I want to give you a nice gift."

"Let me guess, flowers?"

"Yes, those flowers you love." Mieczyslaw answered and Daciana rolled her eyes. Daciana, closely followed by Mieczyslaw, walked threw the woods. "Love?" Mieczyslaw softly asked and Daciana ignored him. "I have done everything you have wanted, and you still hate me. How do I change that?"

"I do not hate you." Mieczyslaw perked up at the information, "I just do not want to be married to you."

"Why, what did I do wrong, love?" He asked and Daciana stopped and turned to face him.

"Nothing, it is just proof my family wants nothing to do with me."

"I want you, we can be our own family." Mieczyslaw offered and Daciana shook her head.

"You are not my sister." With that Daciana turned around and left Mieczyslaw standing there.

"I know how I can fix this, love. I promise I'll fix this."

Lillian sat up and looked at Stiles as he raised his head.

"Why do I have a feeling that he's planning to have everyone over?" Lillian asked and Stiles nodded.

"Hundred percent... I mean that's what I would do, except him." Stiles answered as he pointed to Damon.

"First life?"

"Yeah." Stiles answered and Damon nodded.

"I'm gonna get some water, do you want some, darling?"

"No thank you, love." Lillian nodded before walking to the kitchen area and pulled a water bottle out of the fridge and made her way back to the males. Lillian sat back on the cot and leaned back against Stiles. Stiles wrapped his arms around her waist as Lillian drank her water.

"Are you sure you don't want any water, darling?"

"I'll just steal some of yours, love." Lillian nodded as he rubbed his thigh.

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