Eyes Slowly Opened

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Blinded as my eyes slowly opened, I felt the wind brush across my face. The prickly grass made my arms itch as I squinted to see. Pushing myself up, I huffed and groaned, "What the hell?"

"Took you long enough," my heart stopped.

Shaking my head, tears dripped down my cheeks as I shook my head, "I can't... I can't handle a dream like this... stop it." The soft touch that came upon my cheeks as she lifted my face so our eyes would meet. There she was... the sun pouring around her - creating a halo over her. Her sweet smile flashed at me.

Wiping my tears with her thumb, she kissed my forehead, "I've missed you Ani." I wrapped my arms around her body, putting my face into her chest and having our bodies touch. I shook as I sobbed into her. Her hands ran through my hair, as she whispered into my ear, "No need to cry anymore Ani... no more chasing my love."

Squeezing her even tighter, I barely mumbled out, "Twenty-six years... it was so hard Cassie... I was so tired... I wanted to give up so many times."

"You did so well," she kissed my head, "I'm so proud of you." Pulling back a bit, I gazed at her face. How much I missed her. If this is a dream, I hope I die in it... let me stay with her forever. Chuckling, she said, "It's been an awfully long time since I've seen high school you."

"What?" I asked, but then realized we were both teenagers again, "What the hell?"

But before I could question it, we were attacked...

By a mixed corgi.

"Hey! Hey, stop!" I shouted as it licked all over my face.

Cassie was laughing her butt off as she yelled, "Anica! Anica, come here baby!" I watched as the dog rushed over to her. She got down on her knees, playing with Anica.

"How is she here?"

"All dogs go to heaven, right?" Cassie teased. She went over to me, tossing herself onto me. WE were both laughing as Anica tried giving us kisses. The damn dog was tangling up my hair, making Cassie laugh at me.

Her laugh... it had replayed in my mind for so long.

She noticed my stare. She stopped giving Anica attention and put her forehead against mine, "Ani?"

Tears built in the corner of my eyes, "Yes?"

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you so much more," I whispered back, my words breaking up slightly.

And after twenty-six years... I finally got to kiss the love of my life once more.

And never would we be apart again.

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