CHAPTER 1: Accidental Like

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Accidental Like


A script slapped onto the table!

"Accident, accident, another accident! My da xiao jie*, can you please use an alternative account next time you go on Weibo*?!"

da xiao jie - literally means the eldest daughter of a rich or privileged household but can also be used, such as in this context, to mean a spoilt rich girl

Weibo - chinese microblogging website, similar to twitter or facebook

Liu jie* massaged her temples in frustration, chest heaving with anger, "Count how many times it's been yourself! You're lucky that this time it's only Zhu Qinqin, if it was someone like Mu Yao, you'd be dissed to death!"

jie - term of respect for an older woman

A girl with long wavy hair sat on the brown sofa. She glanced at the script on the table, then at the slightly calmer Liu jie. She frowned, but kept silent.

"It doesn't matter, that Zhu Qinqin is about your level anyway. The company will buy a water army* to control the comments, you don't have to worry about it."

water army - a group of internet ghostwriters paid to post online comments with particular content, these paid posters can post news, comments, gossip, disinformation on online platforms

As she spoke, Liu jie walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water, then continued, "You shouldn't just play games all day either. Although acting talent isn't the most important thing in the entertainment industry, you can't be too bad either. Otherwise, no matter how many resources your sister puts in to make you popular, you still won't be able to get a role with the really famous directors."

She walked back slowly with the glass in her hand and looked at Su Shen, "I hired a teacher from the Central Academy of Drama for you. You should do some last minute cramming. You're joining the set in a few days, don't mess things up. Your sister invested a lot of money for you to get this opportunity. Otherwise with your position in the industry, it would take you years to even think about this role!"

After listening to her rant, Su Shen glanced around but didn't speak.

Liu jie saw she was being ignored and placed her glass of water roughly down on the table, "Don't think I'm joking around with you. Director Huang has a bad temper and your acting is too bad. He won't care if your relative is an investor."

In response, the girl on the sofa finally moved. She pulled her hair back and tied it with a rubber band taken from the table, then casually replied: "I don't need a teacher."

Her words made Liu jie so angry, she almost laughed, "Yes, the entertainment industry is where you earn money off youth, but there are so many rookies coming out every day. If you don't have the ability, you could be obsolete tomorrow!"

"I've only acted in two dramas, how do you know I don't have the ability?" Su Shen looked up at Liu jie.

Her gaze suddenly seemed strange, off-putting, and Liu jie frowned, then sat down on the other side of the sofa. She picked up the script and flipped to a page, then passed it to Su Shen.

"Okay, then this scene, let me see your ability." Liu jie arched her brow, disbelieving.

Su Shen took the script and glanced at the contents. After a few moments, she suddenly sat up straight, her lips pressed together, the tips of her eyelashes slightly trembling. Her bright eyes glazed over, slightly red.

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