Part 39~Sides

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Slowly, Sokka returned to the camp, seeing the others standing on each platform.

"Hey, Sokka. Is Jet back?" Katara stepped closer as Sokka nodded, a scowl on his face.

"Yeah, he's back. But we're leaving."

Blinking, Hachi turned to Sokka in confusion. "What?"

"But I made him this hat," Katara looked down, showing off the cap made from stitched leaves and flowers.

"Your boyfriend Jet's a thug," Sokka announced, stopping everyone as Katara scoffed.

"What? No, he's not!"

"He's messed up, Katara!"

"He's not messed up, he's just got a different way of life!"

"He beat and robbed a harmless old man!"

"I wanna hear Jet's side of the story!"

"Well, I don't." Isu stepped forward, standing by Sokka. "I think we should leave."

"I'm with Sokka," Zuko stood by Isu and Sokka, pulling at his sleeve. "I know some of my people have done some bad things but the way Jet talks it's like every person to ever come from the fire nation is unequivocally evil."

"No! We can't just pass judgement without hearing Jet's side first." Katara stopped her foot down, storming to Jet's room as Isu rolled her eyes and followed behind.

"Sokka, you told them what happened, but you didn't mention that the guy was Fire Nation." Jet raised his eyebrow from his hammock-style bed.

Glaring at her brother, Katara crossed her arms. "No, he conveniently left that part out."

"What does it matter! Zuko and Iroh are fire nation, should we treat them with suspicion every time they walk into our camp. The fact that mattered is that he was a harmless civilian!" Sokka raised his voice as he threw his arms in the air.

"He was an assassin, Sokka." Jet pulled out a knife, stabbing it into a nearby tree stump. "See? There's a compartment for poison in the knife." Jet pulled out the knife, removing the small glass vial full of red liquid. "He was sent to eliminate me: you helped save my life, Sokka."

Katara stood up proudly. "I knew there was an explanation."

"I didn't see any knife," Sokka snapped back.

"That's because he was concealing it," Jet countered as Katara lifted her head smugly.

"See, Sokka? I'm sure you just didn't notice the knife."

"No," Isu shook her head. "That doesn't make any sense. Why wouldn't he use the knife when you guys captured him? It makes no sense!"

"There was no knife!" Sokka took in a deep breath turning from the others. "I'm going back to the hut and packing my things."

"Tell me you guys aren't leaving yet. I really need your help." Jet stood up in alarm as Isu scoffed.

"What can we do that you and your precious Freedom Fighters can't do already. I'm pretty sure you can harass civilians on your own." Isu sneered as she spoke, crossing her arms over her chest.

"The Fire Nation is planning on burning down our forest. If Katara and Zuko both use water bending to fill the reservoir, we could fight the fire. But if you leave now, they'll destroy the whole valley."

Katara and Zuko shared a look as Zuko coughed. "I'm sorry, I'm not really at the water bending level yet."

"Don't worry, we'll help you. It'll be good practice for Zuko." Katara placed a hand on Zuko's shoulder as Sokka stomped away, silently followed by the little Airbender.

"Tell me you don't trust him either." Isu landed behind Sokka who simply nodded. "I'll keep an eye out. I have some friends who can help." Isu hopped away before Sokka could say anything.


"Let's go." Jet jumped up, descending on the rope lines, followed by his fellow fighters.

Frowning, Isu kicked Sokka out of bed, covering his mouth. "Jet's up to something. Come on." Isu pulled Sokka out of his hut, jumping onto the rope and landing a bit away from the Freedom Fighters.

Quietly, the Freedom Fighters pushed the loaded waggon out of the camp. Sokka and Isu followed, keeping to the darkness. They slowly walked toward a man-made dam. Jet and his boy emerge from the forest, going to the edge and looking down the dam below.

"Now listen, you are not to blow the dam until I give the signal. If the reservoir isn't full, the Fire Nation troops could survive." Jet stepped back as The Duke jumped off the waggon.

"But what about the people in the town, won't they get wiped out too?"

Jet placed a hand on The Duke's shoulder. "Look Duke, that's the price of ridding this area of the Fire Nation." Turning to Longshot, Jet narrowed his eyes. "Now don't blow the dam until I give the signal-got it?"

Gasping, Isu looked at Zuko, a worried expression on her face. "This isn't good. We need to warn the others."

"Where do you think you're going?" Smellerbee appeared out of nowhere, pulling out Isu and Sokka. Jet stood near the cliff edge, staring down at Sokka and Isu.

"Sokka, Isu, I'm glad you decided to join us."

Pipsqueak and Smellerbee forced Sokka and Isu to their knees as Jet rubbed their shoulders. Sokka scowled, meeting Jet's stare. "I heard your plan to destroy the Earth Kingdom town."

"Our plan is to rid the valley of the Fire Nation."

"We won't let you get away with this!" Isu fought back, unable to move. "These are people living there, Jet; mothers and fathers and children."

"We can't win without making some sacrifices."

"You lied to Katara and Zuko," Sokka announced. "There is no forest fire!"

"Because they don't understand the demands of war. Not like you and I do."

"I do understand. I understand that there's nothing you won't do to get what you want." Sokka glared at Jet.

"I was hoping you'd have an open mind but I can see you've made your choice."

Nodding to Sokka, Isu blew Jet off him, hitting back Pipsqueak. Before Sokka could get far, Jet had his hands pinned down. Isu gasped, frozen in shock as Pipsqueak knocked her to the floor.

"I can't let you warn Katara and Zuko. Take them for a walk, a long walk."

"You can't do this." Isu kicked out her legs as Pipsqueak picked her up.

"Cheer up, you two. We're gonna win a great victory against the Fire Nation today."

"You're a horrible person! Mari! Help! Mari!"

"No one's here, little girl. No one can hear you."

Smiling, Isu stopped fighting, catching a glimpse of the faded figure. "She always hears me."

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