Chapter Fifty Eight

26 1 4

Lily's POV

Two months later

"Okay, that's it for today's class. Feel free to email me with questions, and remember deadlines for class transfers are coming up, make sure you're happy with everything. Have a good day."

My professor closes her textbook and students begin to throw their bags over their shoulders and leave the class. As I proceed to do the same, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a taller brunette guy. He's smiling at me and I take out my headphones, "yes?"

He clears his throat, "I've seen you in class and I was wondering if you'd want to grab dinner?"

My eyes widen and I shake my head, turning my attention back to my bag before flinging it across my shoulder. I pat him on the shoulder, "thanks for the offer, but I'm actually on the way home to make dinner for my girlfriend and I, so I'll have to pass."

A look of realization washed over him and I tried not to laugh, he cleared his throat. "Oh- sorry, I didn't know."

I shrug, "now you do."

I put my headphones back in and walk out of class, laughing to myself. I need to tell Rea about this later, she'll think it's hilarious.

The mid-September weather is chilly and I curse at myself for forgetting a jacket, but I'll have to get over it. My car is even colder, and the temperature of the seats makes me hiss and quickly turn on the heat.

Tom had got Rea's mom a new car for her birthday in August, and she handed down her old one to Rea, which left us with two cars. One for us both, it's great because we never have to worry about our conflicting college or work schedules, but the gas bill makes me want to puke.

Speaking of, adulting hit me like a bag of bricks. I had interviewed for a waitress job a few weeks after we moved in to cover living expenses, even though Tom is paying for our rent.

I work between four to six days a week. Today happens to be a day off for me and I'm extremely happy about that. I've adapted pretty well to the fast-speed environment, but I can say this made me hate men about 16 times more. They have zero boundaries and the urge to throw a coffee at their face is real.

Rea is great to come home to though, she's always there to offer to rub my shoulders or to listen to rants about stupid people. She's been trying to convince me to let her get a job, but I know she's only asking because she feels bad I'm the only one. Her mom and her saved for years so she wouldn't have to worry about that, and I make a point to keep it that way.

To pass her time outside of class she decided to volunteer at an animal shelter, and while I'm trying to channel my inner peace she's playing with puppies, I might just be a smidge jealous.

Everything is so new, but it's normal. It's a really easy adjustment. But I think Rea is the reason I feel that way. If she wasn't here with me I might have gone insane. My only motivation is being able to go home to her.

I pull into the parking lot and pull out my set of keys. The chilly air makes me want to sprint to the door, and I actually do, I feel like laughing at myself.

I open the apartment door and I still have the same satisfaction I had the first time I saw it decorated. I love it so much.

I put all my bags down and head to the kitchen, pulling up my Spotify and connecting it to the little speaker we bought. I blast my playlist and look through the fridge for what I could make.

I remember setting out the chicken last night to thaw and subconsciously pat myself on the back for that. I wash my hands before cutting up and seasoning the chicken. I heat the pan with oil before putting the meat in and grabbing a pot to boil my noodles.

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