Thirty One

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"you and i both know this ends in chaos and lies

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"you and i both know this ends in chaos and lies."

It's finally all makes sense now.

Why the gym looks familiar before I even met Grayson. The way Grayson was acting weird at the party when we were in my room.

He was looking at pictures of Myles and then left.

But why didn't he tell me?

Why lie?

How did he even meet Myles?

My mind is in a blur as I try to figure out what the hell is going on.

And after everything that happened that night, I told him I loved him and of course, I find a picture of him and Myles.

I'm not pissed off at the fact that he knew Myles and I know that Grayson didn't participate in his death. I'm mad at the fact that he lied to me about something so important especially since he knows how important Myles is to me.

"Talk to me Willow," Claire said and I look up at her and see her staring at me with a sad look in her eyes.

After I found the picture and tried to stop myself from crying I called Claire and asked if she could pick me up since I didn't have my car.

I'm so happy Melody wasn't home because I didn't have the heart to even look at her after slapping Grayson and yelling at him.

But when Claire picked me up I told her I didn't want to go home so she took me to her house.

Right now we are sitting on her bed and she made me a cup of coffee.

She's been a great friend today. I really needed someone to be there for me and she is doing exactly that.

"Grayson. He lied to me." I said as my eyes were getting a little watery again. God, I need to stop crying. "He knew Myles and he never told me. I found a picture of him and Myles in his bathroom drawer. After I found it, tears just started coming down and I don't even remember what I yelled at him or anything."

"You probably had a panic attack or something." Claire states and I just shrugged my shoulder. "Myles dying really affected you."

"He was my best friend. I loved him more than I love my parents." I said truthfully. "And when I saw that picture of him with Grayson I was confused at first and then all of these things were racing in my mind and I just started crying." When Claire didn't say anything after I said that I stated, "I told him I love him yesterday night."

I look at Claire and see her still staring at me. "Why?"

I smile a little. "Because he has a warm heart and cares so much about his daughter, something my father barely does. He is soft with me no matter what, even if he tries to hate me."

"There is a thin line between love and hate."

"I know." I groan and then lay down on Claire's bed. "But we just had to say we love each other before this all happened. Bad fucking timing."

"He said he loves you?" Claire raises her eyebrow.

I nod. "Yea. I said it first and then he said it back."

"Do you know if he does really love you?"

For a second I think about it.

Does he really love me or not?

Three years ago I remember him talking to me a little bit about what happened with Melody's mom and him.

"After everything that happened with Melody's mom, I don't think I could ever trust any girl Willow. Even come close to loving one because of how much Melody has taken my attention. She has all of my love." Grayson explains.

Right now we are sitting in his room. I asked about what happened with Melody's mom but he didn't want to tell me and I asked why and how it led to him telling me how what he thinks about love.


Such a silly, confusing four-letter word.

"I get it. A lot of people go through what you are going through and they can't love another person because they feel betrayed. And they feel like their love should only ever go to that one person who is their child."

I wish my parents thought that but they barely do, still don't.

Grayson sighed and rubbed his hand down his face.

"I'll tell you about Melody's mom someday. But right now I don't even want to think about her. I want my mind to be on you." He said making my cheeks blush. "Tell me about your day."

"I don't know," I told Claire and she says nothing else after that.

But somewhere in my heart, I want him to love me. I am desperate as hell for it.

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