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"remember why you started

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"remember why you started."

Claire invited me to hang out at the mall today. We ended class early, so Claire wanted to go to the mall.

I didn't see any reason why not because I wasn't going to do anything special when I got home. Plus, I can't go to the house when my parents are there especially after the fight yesterday.

But thankfully they are leaving out of town tonight for some sort of vacation my mom said that they are going on. My mom told me last night before I went to bed, but my father and I haven't talked to one another.

So, since they are going out of town, I am having a party at my house. Claire said that she is going to invite some of her friends who are inviting some of their other friends. So, it's probably going to be a big party, but Claire is going to help me hide all of the expensive and priceless things in my house.

I'm just hurt that they don't even want to talk about their dead son. I know people cope in different ways, but Miles was important to me, and I want to remember him and remise the memories I had with him. That's what I do with Alexis.

I sometimes read poetry books because Alexis was always a poetry nerd, so I wanted to do something that she loved doing so that I never forget her.

"That's shitty of your parents," Claire said after I got done ranting to her. Right now, we are at the food court in the mall eating. "And I didn't know Miles died. I'm sorry." Claire said, giving me a sympathetic look.

I never liked to tell people my brother died because when I told them they would give me the kind of look that Claire is giving me right now and I hate it.

"I didn't like to tell people. I didn't want anyone to treat me like a fragile doll."

"Yea I know. But I'm sorry. I remember when your brother would pick you from practice." Claire said while giving me a sad smile. "I do remember he was cute," Claire smirked, trying to lighten the mood.

I grimace and furrow my eyebrows. "We are not going to talk about my dead brother being cute." I chuckled.

Claire chuckled. "Whatever. But if you ever need anything or a place to stay to get away from your parents you are always welcome at my place." Claire offered.

I smiled at her and was about to tell her thank you, but I look behind her and see a little girl all by her herself while going up to random people.

"Hi, have you seen my dad? He's tall and has brown hair and kind of looks like me." The familiar girl said.

"Hold on Claire." I get out of my seat. "I'll be right back." I leave Claire and walk towards the little girl.

When I walk up to the little girl she turns around and I finally recognize who she is from seeing her more vividly.

She still looks the same after three years. Her hair is just longer, and she grew a good few inches or at least a foot.

"Willow?" Melody asked before walking closer to me and hugging me.

I am surprised she remembers me, but I hugged her back instantly.

"Hi, Melody," I whispered as I hold her tight in my arms.

She lets go and looked up at me. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Hanging out with a friend but I saw you and had to come to say hi." I smiled down at her. "How old are you now Melody?" I asked her.

"Seven but I'm turning eight soon," Melody said with a big smile on her face.

"You've gotten so big over the last few years," I told her making me chuckle and nod her head. "Why are you by yourself?" I asked her as I push a strand of her hair behind her hair.

"I told my dad that I was going to go get water from the food court and when I go to where dad was waiting before I left, he wasn't there." Melody explained.

"I have my phone with me so I can call him and tell him to meet us at the food court so he could come." I offered Melody and she nodded her head. I take her hand and take us to where Claire and I were sitting. "Are you hungry?" I look down at Melody and she nodded her head fast making me smile down at her. I look at Claire. "Do you mind going to McDonald's and getting a kids meal? Chicken nuggets and fries with a small chocolate milkshake."

Claire nods her head and I give her my card before she leaves.

"You remember my order." Melody smiles at me making a smile appear on my face.

"Of course, I do," I replied and then sat down next to her. "I would never forget you. How can I when you have such a disgustingly cute face?" I joked making Melody laugh. I take out my phone and scroll to where Grayson's phone number was. I hesitate before clicking his contact name and then put the phone to my ear.

It rings for a few seconds before Grayson picks up the phone. "Willow?"

When I hear him say my name the butterflies in my stomach come back again and I feel blush spread on my face.

He still has my number saved.

"Didn't think you would still have my number," I said and then turn away from Melody, so she doesn't hear the conversation.

"I should have deleted it when you left." He said making my heart break a little, but I brush it off.

"Anyways, Melody is next to me."

"God damnit," Grayson muttered. "Where are you guys?"

"Food court. Melody is okay and she is sitting at the table." I look back at Melody and see Claire walk up to her and give her the kid's meals and the milkshake making Melody smile. I smile at Melody, watching her get all happy about her milkshake. "She is eating right now."

"You got her food?" Grayson asked and I nip my bottom lip.

"Yea. Are you mad?" I asked him.

He ignored the questions and instead he says, "I'm coming now."

Grayson doesn't hang up and neither do I. Instead, we both stay on the phone hearing each other's breathing patterns through the phone.

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