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"he has fire in his eyes, melting my heart piece by piece

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"he has fire in his eyes, melting my heart piece by piece."

"You want to go dance?" Claire asked making me look away from Grayson and back at her.

"Sure." I smile at her and throw my cup in the trash nearby.

The song playing was Loveeeee Song by Rihanna. Kind of a slow song but it starts picking up speed in the middle.

Claire takes my hand, and we are now in the middle of the dance floor.

The beat starts to pick up on the song and Claire lets go of my hand and start dancing in front of me. I smile and join her.

She grabs my hands and shakes her hips while moving her head side to side.

I then see Kevin walk up behind Claire and he smiles at me before wrapping his arms around her waist. She lets go of my hand and turns around smiling at Kevin.

I trust Kevin. I know he won't hurt her. I mean I hope he doesn't hurt her. I know he won't but again there is always a what-if.

But I trust that he won't hurt her. I walk a few feet away from them and end up dancing more towards the outside of the dance circle.

As I start dancing again, I feel a body dancing behind me. I don't move, instead, I close my eyes and continue to dance and move my hips. The song speeds up and I run my hands down my body while still dancing to the music.

I open my eyes and when I look straight, I see Grayson sitting on a stool staring at me with his jaw clenched as well as his fists.


I smirk before backing into the person behind me, I turn my head to look at the guy and make sure that he isn't some thirty-year-old man. The guy has curly light brown hair, and he looks like he is maybe in his twenties, but I can't concentrate on him because of how much is going on right now.

The music blaring, people talking, people moving around everywhere, and most of all, Grayson's fiery eyes on mine.

I look back at Grayson as I feel the guy's hand being placed on my hips. I lean my head down on his shoulder while still looking at Grayson.

He was simply just watching, his jaw ticking.

But for some reason seeing him like this makes me keep dancing up against this guy. Grayson is staring at me as if we were fate and I knew we probably were. Our bodies craved one another because every time we were a few inches away we somehow pull one another closer.

I feel cold air hit my neck and I smile at the ticklish feeling, closing my eyes for a second and then opening them to see Grayson with a glare still present on his face.

I read his lips as he said 'Stop' but I shook my head and smiled at him. His fists clench before setting his drink down and walking towards me and then the crowd. I smile before turning around to face the guy.

"Go with it," I whispered. The guy smirked and he leans in and presses his lips against mine. I rest my arms around his neck, and he deepens the kiss before I feel another pair of hands on my waist ripping me away. "What the hell?!" I scoffed at Grayson who was gripping onto my waist, making me squirm a little.

"If you back away now and not question it then I won't give you a broken hand and shiner," Grayson said to the guy.

I swear I have never seen someone so afraid of a threat before, the guy leaves and Grayson pulls me through the crowd of people, and we end up in one of the bedrooms.

"You're so fucking confusing!" I yelled at Grayson before ripping my hand away from his hold. "Like I swear your bipolar or something. How can you act like a dick to me one day and not talk to me but then next you so stupid shit like that? What goes through your fucking head?!" I yelled.

Grayson turns to look at me and he is at least a few inches away from me. "A lot of shit goes through my head Willow and you sure as hell don't want to know."

"Tell me," I demanded and take one step closer to him. "Tell me what goes through that awfully pretty little head of yours Gray," I said getting a little frustrated, but I could feel my body heating up with rage and tension.

"If I tell you then I would have to open myself up to you again and like hell, I will ever let that happen," Grayson whispered but the way he said it made it sound deadly or dark.

"Scary cat," I smirked and then I feel Grayson's arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me closer to him until our fronts are pressed against one another.

I feel his lips right next to my ear. "Fine. I'll entertain you." Grayson said and he presses his lips against the spot under my ear softly. "I am always thinking about the way you use to moan my name on your pretty little lips. I am always thinking about the way you use to wrap your legs around me tighter as I pushed into you that first time. I am always thinking about the way I use to wake you up whenever you slept over. And I can never get the thought of you in my house with me and my daughter hanging out, shooting the shit, acting like a goddamn family. " His confession makes me feel the heat in the spot between my leg and I swear I feel my eyes roll to the back of my head. "There's my truth Willow. That is what I am thinking about all day every day. Since you left, since we started fucking and hanging out, and since I laid eyes on you."

"Then why do you keep pushing me away?" I whispered before looking down at his lips.

"Because you are like ecstasy. Very bad drug to take but so fucking addicting."

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