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"silence is where we truly fall in love

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"silence is where we truly fall in love."

I walk inside the house and close the door behind me.

Ballet class was over about two hours ago, but Claire wanted me to go out and eat with her. We talked about our partners and what we did during practice today. Claire kept mentioning Grayson and how she saw him all over me. She said that my face was red and knowing me, my face probably was.

After Grayson wrapped my hands, we did shadow boxing like he said we would. He should me how to be in the correct position by putting his hands on my waist and standing behind me making me feel his chest against my back.

That position felt so familiar yet foreign because of how long it's been since he touched me like that or since I have felt such ecstasy when being touched like that.

"Lovebug?!" I heard my mom yell as I walk towards the stairs. "Is that you?"

"Yea. I just need to change out of these clothes and take a shower!" I yelled before running upstairs and going towards my room.

After I take a quick shower, I change into a pair of shorts and then a brown oversized shirt.

One thing I hate about not having my hair in braids anymore is having to maintain my natural curls.

I always have to spend a shit ton of money for hair products which sometimes is super annoying.

That reminds me that I should go back to the salon and get my hair braided again or something. I did have dreads in my sophomore year of high school and then I cut my hair after sophomore year. It was super short, but my hair grows back fast.

I put my hair in a bun and then go downstairs to see my mom setting up the table with my dad sitting at the table on his phone.

"Perfect. Your right in time. I was just about to call you down." My mom stated. She puts down the last dish and then sits next to my dad who was sitting in front of me. My dad puts his phone away and we pray before we start digging into the food. I look over at the chair that was next to me, and I imagine my brother smiling while telling us all about his day. "So how was work today?" My mother asked making me look at her.

"It was normal. The Coleman's came to the church today for some marriage advice." My father said as he ate some of his food.

Other than working Sundays, my father also works as a counselor and the priest who works at the concession stand during the weekdays.

"They are still having issues?" My mother raised an eyebrow at my dad.

"They always are." My father muttered. He looked up at me. "How was ballet, lovebug?"

"It was good," I stated.

"Is there anything new going on over there?" My dad asked.

"Yea. For our performance, we are combining boxing and ballet together." I said before taking a bite out of my food.

I hear metal scrape against the plate making me look at my dad who has a disappointed look on his face.

"Boxing?" He raised an eyebrow at me, and I nodded my head slowly. "I don't think that's a good idea, Willow." He puts his utensils down.

"Well then talk to Primel. She is the one who assigned this kind of performance." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Did you talk to her?" My dad asked.

"No. I'm not the one who is mad about doing this kind of performance. In fact, I am happy we are doing this. It reminds me of-"

"What did I say about talking about you brother Willow?" My dad asked making me stop eating and look at him.

I don't know why he would say something like that. My brother was my best friend, and he meant a lot to me. Talking about him makes me happy. I get that my dad has different feelings but, completely disregarding your son and his death isn't cool.

I never got along with my father because of how strict he always was, still is. He believes that he should have some of the same rules he has at the church, at home. Such as no cussing which is hard for me because I grew up in LA and went to school with a lot of people who cuss and aren't that religious. Only very few people in our town go to my father's church but not all of them follow his rules.

"Just because you don't miss him doesn't mean I can't talk about him," I said while tears form in my eyes.

"Willow." My mother said in a disapproving tone. "Don't say that. Your father and I care so much about your brother. It's just hard for us to talk about him."

"That doesn't mean you have to disregard him every time I mention him. I get that you didn't approve of what he did but you should still-"

"That's enough Willow. Go to your room." My father looks down at his plate, not looking at me.

I don't say anything to him as I get out of my seat and run to my room as tears run down my cheeks.

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