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"you will always be my forever

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"you will always be my forever."

When I walk into the gym my eyes go to Willow who was standing in front of the punching bag, and I see her mumbling to herself through the mirror in front of her.

This morning I had to take Melody to school, but I went to get us some breakfast because she asked me, and I can never say no to her. She is my daughter, and I would do anything for her, so I had to get her breakfast and that is why I am late to the gym.

It was a must.

We went to this pancake house, and she had chocolate pancakes while I had some protein waffles, bacon, and eggs. Melody begged me to have some of her chocolate pancakes because she was full and wanted me to eat them, so I did.

Now my stomach hurts so much I think I might throw up if I do anything too extreme.

I probably shouldn't have come to the gym, but I had to see Willow.

Pretending to hate her is ridiculous and probably a douche thing but she hurt me by leaving and I don't want her to see how much that affected me.

But it is hard to act like a dick to her when I'm in reality I want to hold her and make sure she is okay after I yell at her. Every time I yell at her she looks so hurt and I immediately regret it but don't say anything.

I watch Willow as she starts to punch the bag but the thing that makes me run towards her is the fact that she isn't wearing any wraps or gloves.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked her once I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me.

Willow is wearing a sports bra and then some gray leggings. Her curly hair, which I love more than life itself sometimes, is in a bun with some curly strands framing her face.

"Punching the bag." Willow furrowed her eyebrows at me as she said with attitude.

"We'll try punching the bag with gloves or wraps next time. You could seriously hurt your hand." I lectured.

I can't believe she did that.

Willow isn't stupid but sometimes when she is mad, she does things without thinking.

"Well, I don't know how to wrap my hands. You usually do it for me, but you weren't here, so I just started to punch the bag instead." Willow said while glaring at me.

"I was busy. You couldn't have waited?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"No." Willow got out of my hold and walked towards the bin with the wraps and gloves.

I close my eyes and breath.





I open my eyes and walk towards where Willow is. She is getting wraps and gloves out of the bin. When she gets them out, I grab one of the wraps and take her hand in mine to start wrapping it.

"Don't do that again," I told her. "If you do then you could seriously hurt your hand."

"Can you stop with the lecturing?" Willow asked while looking up at me.

I narrow my eyes at her instead of at her hands. "No. You shouldn't have done that. Why would you even punch the bag without wraps? It hurts like hell and only a certain people are able to do that without breaking or hurting anything."

"Maybe I wanted to hurt something," Willow muttered and looked away from me as I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"Why? Why would you want to hurt yourself?" I asked and she looks down at our hands that were touching one another. I was now wrapping her other hand. Now she doesn't want to tell me but that's what she gets for having a big mouth and blurting things she shouldn't say without thinking about it. "Don't be shy now Willow, by all means, tell me."

Please tell me so I can fix it.

I finished wrapping her hand and Willow takes her hands out of mine and gets the gloves from the floor before putting them on and walking towards the bag.

I walk behind her and look down at her small frame. She is just standing in front of the bag staring in the mirror that was in front of us.

I look up at the mirror and the height and width difference between us sends jolts to my toes all the way up to my fucking stomach.

"My mom and dad just act like they don't care about my brother anymore. They don't like talking about him, my dad mostly. But it just hurts knowing how they feel when a loved one died. It made me start thinking if I died, what would they do?" Willow admitted and I looked up at her in the mirror. "Then during dinner, my dad brought up Ms. Primel and then dancing and the performance."

"What about it?" I asked her while looking down at her in the mirror.

"Ms. Primel told me she doesn't like how close we are and that she thinks you are a distraction."

My jaw ticks and I look away from us in the mirror and instead look out how close our bodies are from touching one another.

I could almost feel her body heat against mine. If she were to lean back a little, then her back would touch my chest.

"Primel doesn't know shit," I muttered and then take my hand and rub it down her shoulder making goosebumps spread across her skin. My fingers then touch the palm of her hand, and she rotates her palm so that I could hold her hand comfortably. "Don't worry about her. I'll have John handle it." I said. "And about your parents, they are jackasses. Parents overall are jackasses, and they never know how to act with their kids."

I look at Willow in the mirror and she turns around while still holding my hand. "You're not a jackass."

"You never know. I could end up being what my daughter ends up hating when she is older."

"Impossible. Melody loves you." Willow said softly.

"I know. But I'm scared of being a bad parent or a jackass. No offense but I don't want to be like your parents."

Willow smiled at me. "You won't."

We stare at each other a few seconds longer, even though it felt like an eternity. In that few seconds, I stare at her hazel eyes, but I feel like she just opened herself up to me and I can finally see all of her.

Might not make sense but in my head, it's perfectly clear.

I feel her lean a little closer to me and I do the same.

As our lips are at least a few centimeters close I'm thinking, this is it.

This is where everything could possibly go to shit but I don't care.

I want Willow.

But the moment breaks when I hear John calling everyone to the ring.

Willow and I get out of the trance we're in and we lean away from each other.

Our breathing is heavy when we back away from each other.

We don't say anything to one another as we walk away towards the ring.

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