Side Story - Character Quirks

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Whenever Hisashi and Gin are cuddling together, usually watching TV on the couch or cuddling in silence to nap, Gin is always fiddling with Hisashi's rings. Hisashi sometimes wears rings for fashion, and ever since he noticed that Gin likes to play with them, he's worn them more often.

Hisashi first noticed it when he pulled Gin over to cuddle on the couch while the TV played. Gin melted into him, more so focused on the TV. Gin seemed to notice the rings on Hisashi's fingers. He held his hands and slid his fingertips along the rings. They felt smooth and nice. He began to fiddle with them more.

He would turn the ring on his finger and even move it up and down slightly. Hisashi was distracted by what he was doing, but wasn't that bothered. He eventually began to like when he did it.

When everyone began to wear their matching rings, everyone noticed how Gin fiddled with theirs, and even his own. It seems somewhat unconscious to him. They all just quietly watch him when he does that, admiring how cute he is.


While Gin had a strange but cute quirk with rings, Kentaro began to develop a strange but cute quirk with hair. He would unconsciously play with the boys' hair when they were near him, usually when they were cuddling. They get a pleasant massage every time his fingers are in their hair.

Hisashi laid down on his lap one day, waiting for the massage. When it didn't come, he looked up at him. Kentaro met his eyes.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"You aren't going to play with my hair~?"


"You do it all the time~"

"...I do?"

Akiara popped up out of nowhere. "Yeah, you do!! It feels great." He smiled.

"...That's news to me."

"Oh sweetie, you're adorable~" Hisashi held his face and kissed him.

Kentaro felt a little upset at his tone. "Fine, you want me to rub your head like a dog? I'll do it."

"Don't be like that~"

"Don't worry about it, it's cute." Akiara kissed his cheek.

"I know we kept Gin's quirk a secret, but I'd like you all to tell me of mine." Kentaro said.

"My quirk?" Gin left his room for some water.

"You didn't hear anything!!" Akiara rushed to cover his ears.

Gin looked upset. He pulled his hands off his ears. "What's my quirk?"

"How you play with rings~" Hisashi said, peeking his head up from the couch.

"...I guess I do that." Gin said.

"Then how did I not realize that I play with hair?" Kentaro said.

"Don't worry about that." Gin said, coming to kiss him too.

"Geez, stop it!!" He put his hand up to stop him. "I hate you guys."

"Aw, don't say that." They all said, coming to give him more kisses.

"Gah, get away from me!!" Kentaro jumped up to run from the love zombies.

They teased him by following him. He locked himself in a room so they couldn't get to him. Hisashi said something scary about being able to pick a lock. That's when Matsu came home. He told them to leave him alone. Kentaro opened the door a crack, looking thankfully at his savior.

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