Chapter 7

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After the crazy game with Hisashi, dinner was soon ready so we all gathered back at the cafeteria. We sat in our usual seats, away from each other. Gin didn't sit next to me this time. I shall accept the fact that he may not want to get near me again. He couldn't have liked the kiss, or he's at least too embarrassed by it to show his face again.

When it's the end of the day, and we go back to our cabin, Kentaro still isn't happy about the fact that Hisashi has to stay with us for an unknown amount of time. Hisashi takes the open bed above Gin.

(July 4)
The next day, Yuuma is there. He explains that the professionals for Matsu's treatment are here and will take care of him. I have a couple questions.

"Were you able to pay for it then?" I ask.

"Yes." Yuuma says. "I gave the task to sell your donation to an officer. Then Ana paid the professionals this morning. They've already started tending to Matsu. They'll get him through the worst of the withdrawal. He may still take some time to recover completely when they leave."

"Then who will take care of him until he completely recovers...?" He's not saying he'll make Matsu continue the routine while he's still not well, right??

"I thought about it." Yuuma interrupts my thoughts. "And I believe you might be good for the job, Akiara. But you'll have to make up the time you miss each day from the routine with extra sessions of the workout and such, along with Matsu."

Extra sessions?? Who cares about that! I can help Matsu!! Or... I mean... I can skip out on the routine everyday, lucky me. Even though I'll have to make it up after...

"Alright, I'll do it." I say.

The day continued on with our routine back on schedule. I'm glad we don't have another free day though. If we did, what kind of crazy game would Hisashi come up with next...? I don't even want to think about it...

From the 4th to the 7th, four days go by as Matsu gets his treatment. They get him through the worst of it and make sure he's well enough without them. On the 8th, I can start helping Matsu for the last bit of his withdrawal. But there's a surprise event on the 7th.

(July 7)
It seems like any other day as I go to the cafeteria as usual. We all eat breakfast by ourselves, Kentaro running in late. I've noticed Gin has started staring at me, so I wonder if he'll finally get the courage to say what's on his mind. His staring is bothering me... If he has something to say about the kiss, just do it and stop looking at me. He seems antsy and about ready to get up.

Then, all of a sudden, Ana bursts out of the kitchen. She's carrying a big round cake on a platter. There's decorative candles evenly spaced out on the cake, already lit. Yuuma reacts, seemingly surprised. I think we're all surprised, but his reaction seemed a little different. I immediately learn why.

"Ana..." Yuuma says. "I told you not to make a big fuss about my birthday..."

"No way!!" Ana exclaimed, angry. "That's lame!! I want to celebrate!! I want to make a cake!! I want to eat a cake!!"

I jump up. "It's your birthday today, Counselor Yuuma??"

Yuuma glances at me, then at the rest of the boys. "Yes... But we don't need to make a big deal of it..."

"Birthdays are meant to be celebrated!!" I say. "We have to celebrate!!"

"Yeah, Akiara is on my side!!" Ana says.

Yuuma looks almost lost, looking between us. Then he sighs. "Very well... You made a cake after all... Let's share it and be done."

"Yay!! Then you have to make a wish!! Come on, blow out the candle before they burn too much!" Ana moved the cake close to Yuuma.

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