Chapter 24 (18+)

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(November 29)
In the middle of the day the next day, when it's community service, Yuuma approaches me. He hands me something. I realize it's the stuffed quokka. I look up at him, surprised and confused.

"I heard what you said yesterday... I'm sorry we didn't let you keep the stuffed animal. But I want to make sure you have it now. You may do whatever you'd like with it. But I will have you pay full price for it once your sentence is finished." Yuuma says.

"Thank you, I will." I'm still surprised. Yuuma walks away.

I look down at it again. Then I turn around, looking for Nikushimi. I see him with Gin again. I hurry over to them.

"Nikushimi!" I exclaim.

He looks at me. He immediately sees what's in my hand. I quickly grab his hand and put the stuffed animal in it. I smile.

"I can finally give it to you! It's your late birthday present. Will you accept it?" I ask.

"Of course I will!" He quickly says. He looks at the stuffed animal and smiles tenderly. "Thank you, I love it."

"I'm glad. It took me years to get it to you, so you better keep it for a long time, alright?" I joke.

He beams. "I'll keep it forever!"

Another month at this camp for criminals comes to a close. 6 more months to go. I wonder what kinds of things will happen next? I still want to open up more about my past... I want to open up about my struggle with my parents... I think I'll finally do it next month. I feel optimistic about the rest of the year. I feel like we're in the clear now. What other awful things could happen? Haven't we been through a lot already? Or is there something I'm missing that could end with the camp's demise...?

(November 30)


Gin promised himself and Hisashi that he would one day do it with him. He wants to do it with him. It seems like today's that day.

Gin felt odd at seeing Akiara's connection with Nikushimi. He wanted that kind of connection with Akiara. For the first time, he felt more jealous than he has so far. He has nothing against the other boys, being in a polyamorous relationship is strange. But he never felt as jealous as he did when Akiara ran up to Nikushimi to give him the stuffed animal he mentioned. How can someone hold onto something for so long? Despite Akiara's negative feelings about Nikushimi, he still held onto something from their past. Akiara really liked Nikushimi. Does he feel the same about Gin?

Not knowing what to do with these feelings, and feeling like he can't talk to Akiara about it, Gin sought other ways to get it out of his system. He made eye contact with Hisashi at the breakfast table. He remembered that he wanted to have "fun" with him at some point. Maybe that's how he could get it out of his system. He discreetly told Hisashi he wanted to do it tonight. Hisashi smiled happily and said they could meet in an empty cabin later.

Night fell and it was time. He waited until Akiara was in bed before he slipped out. Akiara may find out about him and Hisashi anyway... but he didn't want to explain it to him right now. He briskly walked through the cold night and into the cabin where Hisashi was waiting.

"I'm so very glad that you want to do it with me now~" Hisashi said when Gin entered.

"Sorry for making you wait..." Gin said.

"Not at all~ I'd rather wait until you're ready, than forcing you into doing it~"

"Then... Let's do it..." Gin grabbed Hisashi's collar to pull his face down. Gin stood on his tippy toes as he tried to kiss the tall Hisashi. Hisashi leaned down to help him.

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