Chapter 15

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(September 1 continued)
"What did you want to say then~?" Hisashi asks.

I hesitate. "Well... I wanted to ask you about... you."

"Me?" He blinks in surprise. Then he smiles. "Ask me anything~ I'll gladly answer~"

Anything, he says... While I might be most curious about what his crime is, I can't ask that. I can't because he may ask me the same question. And I'd rather not talk about mine... Maybe I should ask questions I can answer myself.

"Do you have any siblings?" I ask.

"Nope~ I'm an only child~"

Right, somehow it seems like we're all only children... Matsu is an orphan and never mentioned having siblings. Gin never mentioned anything either. He's been suffering alone under his dad. He only mentioned his mom who left them a bit ago. I'm still not sure about Kentaro, but I get the feeling he doesn't have any siblings either.

"What about you~?" Hisashi asks. Of course, he would ask me the same question.

"I'm an only child too." I reply.

"It's never bothered me to be an only child, I'm really close with my mom~ She's enough for me~"

"May I ask about your dad...?"

"Of course~ My parents are divorced. I live with my mom. My dad doesn't want to see me, but I have no harsh feelings towards him~"

He doesn't have any harsh feelings...? If his dad doesn't want to see him, then something had to have happened, right...? But he's just smiling and I can't tell his true feelings. He said he'd answer any questions I asked... But will he answer them honestly?

"Sorry to hear that..." I say.

"Are you close with your parents~?"

"Ah, well... Not really..." Now this is territory I'd rather stay away from...

Hisashi keeps smiling but doesn't say anything else. He must have noticed it was a touchy subject.

"What's your mom like?" I ask.

"My mom is a wonderful woman~ Beautiful and caring~ I'm very grateful for everything she's done for me~ She inspired my current path in life~" His smile gets fonder when he talks about his mom.

"Current path?"

"Yes~ I work as a prostitute. My mom is one too. I liked the way she thought about the job and I wanted to give it a try as well~ I've found my calling~"

"Prostitute...??" I knew he was a pervert who liked sex but... wow... His mom is one too?? That's a bit strange, isn't it? Now that I think about it, I wonder if her job is why she got divorced. But if it's a subject I shouldn't ask about, I won't.

"Yep~ It seems like you think it's a bit strange." A mind reader?? "But I take pride in this work~ My mom said that a prostitute must be a skilled person who can tend to the needs of anyone they encounter. They're usually strangers, so this can be tough. But it's more than just the act of sex and giving into desires. It's to make sure the other person is feeling their best and they're taken care of. They can be completely comfortable to be themselves. I'm glad to say that I've provided that for many of my clients. I'm so very happy when they come back for another session~"

I never thought about it that way... Prostitutes are just people who sell their bodies for money right...? But it seems like Hisashi and his mom have a different outlook on it. Sure they're still doing it as a job, for the money, but they have something else in mind. They care about the stranger they get with and want to care for them as long as they're with them.

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