Chapter 48

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(August 9)
Chiyuki was surprised at herself by how nervous she felt. But she wanted to give this thing a try. Kutsuna seems like she's understanding. If she wants to quit, it should be fine, right?

"...I'm ready." Chiyuki said when night fell.

Kutsuna perked up. "You're ready? Now?"

"...Yes. I think so." She couldn't look at Kutsuna anymore. How should she go about this...? She wanted to start small, so maybe...

Chiyuku put her hand out. Kutsuna looked at it, confused. Chiyuki felt embarrassed.

"Let's... hold hands..." She finally said.

"Oh, sure!" Kutsuna said. Does that mean she wants her to grab her hand? Should they just jump into it?

Kutsuna reached out and grabbed Chiyuki's hand. Then she pulled her close. Chiyuki wasn't expecting that and fell into her. She looked up, startled. Kutsuna smiled.

"Your reactions are cute." She said.

Chiyuki began to feel flustered. She really wasn't expecting this. Weren't they just supposed to be holding hands...? Then Kutsuna leaned down and pressed her lips against Chiyuki's neck. That's when Chiyuki realized that they were both thinking different things.

"Wait...!" She exclaimed, pushing herself away from Kutsuna. Her face was still red.

Kutsuna looked confused. "Is something wrong?"

"I... I'm not ready for that..."

It dawned on Kutsuna. She really was too desperate. She put her hands over her mouth.

"Oh no... Oh, I'm so sorry, Chiyuki! I should have asked what you were comfortable with! I didn't mean to rush things... I'm really sorry..."

Chiyuki eyed Kutsuna. She looked truly sorry. Maybe Chiyuki should have communicated what she wanted better... She didn't know what Kutsuna was thinking until now though...

"It's... fine... I just wanted to start small..." Chiyuki explained.

"Right, of course! We can start small if you're still alright with me!" Kutsuna was still kicking herself for her blunder. When she thought about it, was Chiyuki even experienced? Your first time can be scary so it wasn't a good idea to try and rush into it like that...

"...I just want to try holding hands to start." Chiyuki was beginning to calm down from what just happened.

"Yeah, holding hands is great! Should we do it now?" Kutsuna held her hand out like a peace offering.

Chiyuki hesitated. Then she reached her hand out and put it in Kutsuna's. They stepped closer so they could hold hands better. Then it was silent for a moment. They both stared at the floor between them.

"...I'm really sorry." Kutsuna said.

"It's fine." Chiyuki replied.

"Is this... your first time with somebody?"

Chiyuki paused. "...Yes."

"Dammit... I really messed up..."

"It's alright. I... I didn't communicate very well..."

"No, I didn't make sure that that was what you wanted! I should have thought about it a little more before I jumped into it..."

"Right... We should both... talk more..." Chiyuki realized that you can't get by, especially in a relationship, without talking things out. She didn't mind not talking. But this was a situation where she had to.

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