Chapter 38 (18+)

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(April 30)
"I think I've seen enough."

Commander Takagawa, with his arms folded, finally said the words that we were all waiting for. He didn't look too happy as he said it though. Meanwhile, everyone was so happy that they felt like their chests might burst.

"Can I keep the camp, sir?" Yuuma asked.

Takagawa paused. He looked around at each and every one of us. I felt uncomfortable when he looked at me. He finally looked back at Yuuma. He sighed.

"Honestly... You've convinced me. So far the camp and the criminals in it seem alright. I trust you to do just as you did this time with the next batch."

"Yay!!" I couldn't help my excitement. "I'm so happy!! You did it, Yuuma!!"

I jump up from my seat and give Yuuma a hug.

"Counselor Yuuma..." Yuuma corrected me. But I felt his big and gentle hands hug me back. "But thank you... I couldn't have done it without all of your help."

Once I let go, I beam up at him. I then glance at Takagawa. He stares at me.

"Get back to your seat."

"Yes sir!!" I quickly hurry to sit down again.

"Since I've seen enough and I've let you keep the camp for the next year," Takagawa continued, "I'll be leaving now. You can have my security officers. I'll be checking up on the camp every once in a while to make sure it's still in order."

"Yes, sir. Thank you very much." Yuuma bowed his head.

Takagawa turned back to us criminals. "Make sure you stay good until your sentences are over. I'm looking at you, Hisashi."

Hisashi bowed his head in his seat. "Yes sir."

"Good. I'll get my stuff and leave. No need to see me off."

With that, Takagawa walked out of the cafeteria. I felt like I could finally breathe again. His heavy stares were always awful. Now he won't be breathing down our necks anymore. I'm glad that Yuuma is the one in charge of the camp...

Despite Takagawa saying that we don't need to see him off, Yuuma knows him better than we do. He takes us to see him off once he's gathered his things. He seemed oddly happy about us watching him leave. I waved and tried to smile as he finally walked down the road leading to the camp and got in his car.

We all needed to mentally recharge from his visit. So many things happened when he appeared. I'm glad it's all finally over. I never want to do anything that will make him come back. I'll be good. Not like I was planning to cause trouble anyway though.

"Hisashi." Yuuma called his name once we got back inside the cafeteria. "Would you like to sit with everyone again?"

We were all stunned by his words. He'd really allow it? No, what am I thinking, this is Yuuma we're talking about. He didn't like this punishment that the commander gave Hisashi anyway.

"...Won't Commander Takagawa get mad?" Hisashi asked.

"He already left. I'd say you've had the punishment long enough. I think I'll keep you in your own cabin though."

Hisashi looked over at us. I smiled, wanting him to join us again. After a moment of hesitation, he bowed his head.

"Thank you. I agree, I think I've had the punishment long enough."

He finally joined our table again. Kentaro is still alone at his own table. There's no way he's joining us again now... But I'm happy with this development. Leave it to Yuuma to make things right! Maybe I can even ask him to let Kentaro and Hisashi have some alone time to talk!! But I shouldn't push things today. There's a possibility he'll say no if I do.

Camp Criminal (NSFW)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon