Chapter 39

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(May 2)
Morning came. Hisashi woke up to the sound of the whistle. Kentaro groaned, not wanting to get up. In fact, he rolled over onto Hisashi.

"Five more minutes..." He said.

Hisashi smiled. He rubbed Kentaro's head. "We need to get up, sleepy head~"

"I can't move because of you..."

"You asked me to do it hard~"


Kentaro looked at Hisashi's face. Hisashi looked back at him, smiling. Kentaro leaned down and kissed him. Then he trailed a few kisses to the side and up to his ear. In his ear he whispered,

"I love you..."

Hisashi froze. Kentaro continued to kiss down to his neck. But Hisashi could only wonder if he heard him right. Did the Kentaro who only says he hates him actually say that he loved him? He's not dreaming, right?

Kentaro noticed that Hisashi wasn't moving. He looked back at his face. He was surprised to see what expression was there. A surprised and red face stared back at him.

"...Did I hear you right?" The red faced Hisashi asked.

"...Are you blushing?" Kentaro replied.

Hisashi's eyes widened. Then he pushed Kentaro off of him. He turned away. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Kentaro blinked at him. "...pfft... Did I just make the ultimate pervert blush?" He moved closer to hold him.

"I don't blush... You just caught me off guard..." Hisashi didn't want to look at Kentaro.

"Oh yeah? That's an accomplishment in itself, no?" Kentaro leaned over to look at his face again.

"What about you? Have you ever said anything besides 'I hate you' before?" He moved further away to cover his face.

"Can't I say the opposite of that sometimes? If it gets you this embarrassed, I may just have to." Kentaro was smirking, feeling very amused. He never knew how cute Hisashi looked when he blushed until now. How could he hide that kind of face from him?

"I would prefer it if you didn't..."

"Huh? You get to say you love me but I don't get to say it back?"


Kentaro finally got Hisashi under him again so he could see his face. His face still had a tint of red to it.

"If you're this cute... I don't think we'll make it to the cafeteria on time..." Kentaro said.

Hisashi met his eyes with his crimson ones. "I shouldn't get in trouble again, don't you think?"

Kentaro realized. "Fuck..."

Hisashi smiled again. He managed to recover from the shock. He sat up and kissed Kentaro before getting out of bed.

They both made sure they were clean and got clean clothes to go to the cafeteria. Kentaro had to stop by his own cabin for his clothes. The guards who saw him coming out looked a bit surprised. He just gave them a thumbs up before leaving. Hisashi smiled kindly at them too. The guards decided it wasn't a big deal. No one said how long Kentaro was supposed to be in the cabin. They only asked if Yuuma really did give him permission to be there last night, and he said yes.

Hisashi went on ahead to the cafeteria to make sure he wasn't late. Kentaro soon arrived too, just on time. He sat in the seat next to Hisashi, making everyone stare.


It seems like the talk last night went very well. Kentaro is sitting with us again, and Hisashi is smiling from ear to ear! They definitely did it last night since Kentaro never came back to our cabin. I'm just happy that everyone else seems happy again. Hopefully we can keep it this way.

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